Saturday 22 June 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 42

Akatsuki took me.

Chapter 42: Tenma.


Everything went slow motion for Hidan, slowly he could see how Shimu ran towards him, she had her fist ready to hit him, her fist slowly fill it self with flames of fire. Hidan stood there paralyze just staring at her. When she was finally about to punch Hidan someone got in the middle punching Shimu on the face and kicking her on her stomach sending her flying to the corner she was rocking on.

It was no other than Tobi. Tobi landed on his feet and Hidan was going to make a run for it to where Shimu was but Tobi extended his arm to the side making Hidan stop.

Tobi: That’s not Shimu.

Hahahaha! What took you so fucking long to figure it out!

Kisame: What’s your name?

Hidan: The fuck you are doing?

Kisame: One thing for sure this thing is a demon. We need to know his name.

Deidara: And do you think he’s going to tell you just like tha-

Tenma. The name’s Tenma.

Hidan: What are you doing with Shimu?!

Shimu? Hm… So you still know her name.

Hidan: Answer the fucking question!

Hahaha! I’ve been with Shimu for years now… She just doesn’t know it.

Itachi: Speak.

Haha! You think I’m going to tell you everything just like that? What I can tell you is that I choose her because you have no idea how strong she is and how she felt years ago and with me she is stronger! She is mine and forever will be mine. If you wanna know more about me and her, ask Hayato.

Deidara: Hayato? Un.

Kakuzu: Her ex.

That’s right. Ask him. For now, I’m just going to take control. Don’t worry Shimu… This will only hurt a lot! HAHAHAHA!

Hidan: What are you goin-

Shimu: AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!

Shimu was screaming now with her voice, the demon, Tenma was now taking control over her, he started to break her bones slowly. Hidan ran to where Shimu was.

Hidan: You’re not taking control! You’re just messing around! Stop!

Hahaha! Who’s going to stop me? You? Hidan? Let me tell you something Hidan… Soon…Soon you will find out about something that’s going to break you in a thousand pieces or more. Get ready.

Hidan: What are you say-

Shimu: AAAHH!!!

Tobi: Stop!

Tobi ran towards Shimu that was with tears on her face and with an evil smile, no question this was Tenma. Tobi grabbed her face and made her look at him even though his face couldn’t be seen his voice could be heard.

Tobi: Shimu-chan! I know you’re in there somewhere! Reach out to me! Follow my voice Shimu-chan! Don’t let this monster control you, you’re stronger, reach out for me!

At the moment Shimu got her old voice back but still with her eyes orange and tears on her face.

Shimu: To-Tobi?

Tobi: That’s right Shimu, it’s me.

Shimu: What’s happening? I-I can’t feel my arm.

Tobi: Whatever you do don’t look away from me, everything is going to be fine, okay? Hold my hand Shimu.

I just need to put this needle on her and she would fall asleep for sure…  Konan thought. She then began to move towards Shimu, Shimu didn’t notice she was still looking at Tobi, her eyes began to turn blue again slowly so that meant good news but she was still weak and Tenma was still awake, Konan then made a small noise making Shimu’s eyes change to orange in less than a second and looked at Konan.


Konan: Hold her!

Hidan, Kisame, Itachi, Tobi, Kakuzu and Deidara jumped on her holding her down to the floor as she screamed in anger.

Tobi: You shouldn’t have moved Konan!

Konan: Shut up and hold her!

Hidan: Fucking hurry up!

Itachi: It’s starting to burn!

Konan: Shut up! Kisame roll her sleeve up!


Tobi: Shimu-chan please!

At that moment Konan put the needle in her arm making Tenma scream but as he scream the screamed change in to Shimu’s voice slowly making her fade away and fall asleep.

Kakuzu: Finally.

Deidara: Hidan you’re such a dick!

Konan: Shut up! Itachi take her to the infirmary. The rest of you follow me I need help creating a new medicine for her in case this happens again.

Everyone left except Hidan and Deidara.

Hidan: Why am I dick you asshole!?

Deidara: You want to know what Shimu told me the night you found me with her in her room that she was crying, un?

Hidan stood there in silence.

Deidara: She told me she fucking loves you, un. That she’s in love with you, un.

Deidara then explained what happened downstairs before Hidan got to the hideout, Hidan just stood there in silence, Deidara just “un” and left leaving Hidan in total darkness in a messed up room. Hidan then looked around the room. She… loves me? Hidan thought.


Two days later.

Hidan: She is still hasn’t wake up.

Itachi: She is okay, so don’t worry.

Hidan: *Sigh*

Tobi: I wish she was awake…

Deidara: We all do, un.

Konan: Hidan, I need to have a word with you.

Konan and Hidan walked to Pein’s office, he wasn’t there though. Hidan sat and so did Konan.

Konan: Pein is really worried about Shimu.

Hidan: Is he?

Konan: He went out to find out where she got this demon from and how she got it. I told him to look for Hayato.

Hidan: I hope he kills him.

Konan: Hidan… This demon has stages.

Hidan: The fuck that means?

Konan: It means that Tenma has stages of power the more high are the stages the stronger she will become and the harder it will be to stop her, and that also mean that Tenma can take control over her, who knows if he can take control over her… Forever.

Hidan: What!?
Konan: If she gets to the last stage… She can destroy all the world, universe, everything.

Hidan: You mean Tenma, cause she wont have control anymore. How do you know this?

Konan: I did my researches.

Hidan: So what we have to do is not pissed her off and that’s it.

Konan: The demon is already awake, she cannot be angry or be using her techniques at all, cause that will only make him stronger.

Hidan: How many stages are they?

Konan: I- I don’t know… all I know is before the last few stages she will die inside and Tenma will be her.

Hidan: Fuck.

Konan: Pein will found out more about this.


Itachi: We should go now. Knowing her, if she wakes up she will call out for Hidan and we will know.

Deidara: Right, un.

Tobi: *Sigh*

Deidara: You did a great job Tobi, un. Don’t worry, lets go, un.

So they left, the door slammed making Shimu open her eyes.

Shimu: Where am I?... Hidan?

Shimu could barely talk, she slowly got up and started walking through the hideout halls with her arm extended and her hand on the wall for support she was to weak to walk, and her other arm broken on a plaster arm. She finally heard Hidan’s voice, she walked a bit faster and peep to a door that was a little open and saw Konan and Hidan.

Konan: Don’t worry Hidan.

Konan placed her hand on Hidan’s shoulder, Shimu saw this and her eyes widen open. Jealous? Yes. She got so angry and since Tenma is still around he felt this energy and took control in no time, she then felt to the ground. Inside the office Hidan and Konan heard a noise like if something heavy fell on the ground, they opened the door to she Shimu on the floor on her knees looking down, she looked in pain.

Konan: She’s awake?

Hidan: Shimu?

Hidan got on his knees and place his hand on her shoulder making her look at him and what he saw was her orange eyes.

Hidan: Fuck!

To be continued…