Wednesday 10 April 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 28

Akatsuki Took Me In.

Chapter 28: She cares.

3 months went by, Hidan and Shimu were closer than before, they didn’t kiss after that accidental kiss but one thing for sure that kiss did… It got them closer to each other, they were always together and stuff like that, even thought Hidan always got angry at her, she just laugh at him and that kind of making forget about the problem, he wasn’t any soft with her, he was the same but… I little more different, not as mean as before. Hidan wasn’t giving her a lot of work to do, her work was to make him food cause he didn’t know how to cook and if he had to buy stuff in a village he went with her. Shimu enjoyed his company and for the looks of it, Hidan too, even if he got angry at her or even yelled at her, he for sure enjoyed her company.

One day Hidan and Shimu were walking back to the hideout after buying some stuff Hidan needed, they were walking through the woods, as they walked none of them were actually talking to each other. Few minutes later Shimu felt something on her hand, when she looked at it, it was a huge spider, she then slap it, screamed and hold on to Hidan’s hand, Hidan just chuckled but didn’t let go of her hand, they kept like that till they got to the hideout and even when they got to the hideout they didn’t let go of their hands, everybody stare at them in a weird way but then just ignore them, except for Deidara and Kisame, they were angry.

One night everybody was in the living room just talking and a few of them playing cards. Hidan was with Kisame and Kakuzu talking about random stuff, Deidara, Itachi, Tobi and Shimu were playing cards and Pein was with Konan, they weren’t talking or anything they just were there.

Hidan: Kakuzu, you should stop thinking about money and do something else.

Kakuzu: And you should stop talking about your God and do something else.

Kisame: C’mon, aren’t we all friends here?

Hidan: Shut up fish face.

Kisame: Hahahaha… I want to kill you right now.

I can’t believe I’m loosing to this girl, ugh… Itachi thought.

Tobi: Shimu-chan you’re so good at this game.

Shimu: Well I learned from you guys!

Deidara: Hey Shimu-chan, want to hang out later in the week to see my art? Un.

Shimu: Hell yeah!

Deidara: *Looks away blushing* Un…

Pein: Alright, Lights out everyone.

Tobi: Whaaaaaaaaat!!!! I was sure I was going to win the next round!

Shimu: It’s fine, we can play next time.

Pein: Lights out. Let’s go Konan.

Konan: Yes.

Finally she says something. Shimu thought.

Pein stood up and so did Konan, Konan walked right behind him.

Hidan: Yeah, yeah, go on with your little girlfriend.

At that moment both Pein and Konan stopped, Konan was blushing so she put her head down. Pein looked at Hidan, Pein couldn’t be more angry at the comment he made.

Hidan: Wha-

Hidan couldn’t finish what he was about to say, he was interrupted by a fist in his face, that made him fly through the room making him hit a wall, almost breaking it. Hidan just sat down there smiling.

Pein: You should keep quite. People like you make me sick.

Konan: Pein...

Pein: Shut up! Listen Hidan, just cause you can mess around with everyone doesn’t mean you can mess with me, and I don’t care if you are immortal and enjoy pain. If you try to mess around with me again I’ll make sure you feel pain in a way that you wont enjoy it.

Everyone was staring in shocked and quietly. Hidan looked up at Pein, stood up and smiled at him.

Hidan: Bring it.

At that moment Pein ran towards Hidan, Hidan got in position to attack and grabbed his sword. Pein was going at full speed, he had his fist ready to hit Hidan, he then… Hit it. But… He didn’t hit Hidan, Shimu got in front of Hidan so Pein wouldn’t hit him, since Shimu was fast no one saw that coming, so Pein’s fist hit Shimu’s stomach, making her cough blood and the blood fell on Pein’s fist. Pein stood there emotionless with his fist still on Shimu’s stomach, he was just staring at her while blood came out of her mouth and she looked down, she was holding on to his fist and wrist with both of her hands, but that didn’t manage to stopped the impact.

Shimu: Stop… Leave my master alone…

Hidan stood behind her in shocked, just like everyone else was, everyone stood up, dropped what they were doing and were in shocked, Kisame was grabbing his sword to fight Pein, Tobi was just staring there in shocked as well as Deidara, Itachi run towards her grabbing her by her shoulder so she wouldn’t fall, Kakuzu didn’t show any emotions but he was surprise to what had happen and Konan was in shocked.

Hidan: Why did you do that!? Mother fuckers stay away from her!!!

Itachi let go of her and so did Pein, he slowly took his fist out of Shimu’s stomach, making her cough more blood and fall to the floor. Hidan hold on to her fast with Itachi’s help.

Kisame: Lay her here. *Points at couch*

Hidan and Itachi laid her on the sofa. Hidan got close her and hold on to her arm.

Hidan: Why would you do such a careless thing like that!? If he would of hit me I would have been fine!

Shimu: You have saved my life already… I’m just returning the favor…

Hidan: Shiyu damn it, I’m immortal!

Shimu: Oops…

She slowly began to close her eyes.

Hidan: Oi! Oi! Stay with me!

Itachi: Konan get the medical kit!

Konan left running, the others including Pein and Kakuzu stayed there taking care of her. Hidan was staring at Pein in a way that he just wanted to kill him if he got any closer to her.

Tobi: Help is on the way Shimu-chan…

Kisame: Don’t worry sweetheart you will be okay.

Shimu: I’m fine *cough more blood*

Hidan: Damn it! Everybody shut up! And Shiyu don’t talk! Where the fuck is Konan!?

At that moment Pein sat down beside her, he put his hands on her stomach and blue chakra started to come out of his hands, he was healing her, Tobi looked at Pein and did the same, the same with Kakuzu and Itachi, Hidan and Deidara couldn’t do that so they just stood there watching.

Kakuzu: This is not free Hidan. You owe me.

Shimu smiled and hold on to Hidan’s hand and closed her eyes.

Hidan: Oi…

Itachi: She’s going to be fine, she just need some rest.

Hidan: Where the fuck is Konan?

Konan: I’m here. Here Hidan.

Konan handed him a few small pieces of cotton.

Konan: Clean her mouth with this, I’ll heal her with the others.

Hidan had to let go of her hand to clean her mouth, when he let go, Shimu whined a little.

Hidan: I’m here, I’m here.

He then put his hand on her head so she will know he was still there, and began to clean her mouth, he cleaned her mouth slowly and smooth… Those lips… One thing for sure… I don’t want to loose them… Hidan thought. At that moment Shimu cough more blood and this made Hidan panicked.

Hidan: What the fuck are you guys doing there!!!!????

Konan: She did that cause her bones and putting themselves together, relax, she’s going to be fine.

Hida took it easy and cleaned Shimu’s mouth once again and just looked at her.

I’m here… Hidan thought.

To be continued…

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