Tuesday 16 April 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 32

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 32: The red head.

Shimu and Hidan turned around to see a young looking boy with read head and was wearing the akatsuki coat.

Hidan: I forgot all about you, how long has it been?

A while…

Hidan: Hm.

Who is she? Is she new?

Hidan: No, she lives here with us. She is my mai-… f-… frie-…

Shimu looked at Hidan and smile she then tapped his arm like if she told him not to try so hard.

I see… You guy boyfriend and girlfriend? Fuck bodies?

Hidan and Shimu blushed and scream at the same time.

Hidan and Shimu: NO!

Well okay… I’m Sasori by the way.

Shimu: Nice to meet you, I’m Shimu.

He’s just a kid, why is he a member if he is so young? Shimu thought.

Sasori: Nice to meet you as well. I might as well get going, I’m going to report the mission to Pein and get some rest and then work.

Shimu: Work? Why don’t you take some time off?

Sasori: I can’t.

Sasori then walked away, Hidan and Shimu sat down at the living room couch, they didn’t say much they just sat there.

Hidan: I’m so fucking tired!

Hidan closed his eyes and was about to lay down on the couch, when he was about to lay his head he felt something else, when he opened his eyes he saw Shimu, she
sat where Hidan was going to lay his head. With all the training she has done with Itachi she has gotten a lot faster. Hidan looked at her blue eyes Why can't those eyes leave me alone... Hidan thought. Shimu then thought she might get him angry or make him leave if she did that.
Shimu: If you don't mind...
Hidan: I don't...
Hidan then closed his eyes and fell asleep on Shimu's lap, she then began so stroke his silver hair while looking at him. I really don’t think he likes me... I've tried to kiss him and he never does anything... I wish I knew what he was or is thinking when he is like this with me… Shimu thought. Why does this girl makes me feel shit I don’t understand?!... Hidan thought. An hour went by, Shimu fell asleep with her head laid back on the couch, Hidan had his arm wrap around her waist still with his head on her lap. Shimu slowly began to open her eyes, when she did she saw Sasori standing behind the couch staring at her.

Shimu: Aaahh!!

Hidan: WHAT!? WHAT!? WHAT?! *Grabs sword*

Shimu: Sasori-kun you scared me…

Hidan: Ugh… I’m going to bed Shiyu. Sasori… Don’t fucking touch her.

Sasori: I wont.

Hidan: Yeah I don’t want her to become one of your puppets, see you later Shiyu.

Shimu: By Hidan-sama.

Sasori sat beside her and started to make something with wood, he was fast and made a little puppet that looked like Shimu, he then painted it and gave it to her.

Shimu: For me? Thank you Sasori-kun!

Sasori: *Chuckle* That’s Sama for you.

Shimu: Huh? Aren’t you like 15?

Sasori: *Chuckles again* I’m 35.

Shimu’s yaw dropped, Sasori stared at her and laugh, apparently he has seen those expressions before.

Shimu: Damn… I wish I was my age and look like if I was 15! What’s your secret?

Sasori: I just turn myself into a puppet, well almost, I still consider myself a human being.

Shimu: Wait… So you’re a puppet?! Wow!

Sasori: Yeah, kind of.

Shimu: Wow… Thanks for the puppet though!

Sasori smiled at her and nodded, Shimu was just staring at the puppet and playing with her like a little girl.

Sasori: So are you and Hidan dating?

Shimu blushed and stopped playing at the sound of the word “dating”, she then looked down at the floor upset Dating? I wish… Shimu thought. Sasori notice she was upset.

Sasori: I take that as a no, but I am guessing you wish you were dating him.

Shimu: What? No… No… He will never date a low life like me anyways…

Sasori: Low life? I’m guessing he has called you that before, right?

Shimu: It doesn’t matter. That will never happen.

Sasori: But you feel something for him, don’t you?

Shimu: What I feel is… Never mind the feelings, I’ll just save them and put them far away. Because what I feel… He won’t feel it.

Sasori: You don’t know that.

Shimu: I know he won’t fall for someone like me…

Sasori: Have a little faith.

Shimu then smiled.

Shimu: I’m not going to get my hopes up.

Shimu then began to play with the puppet again and Sasori just watched her.

Someone was hiding by the stairs, it was no other than Hidan, he never actually left, he stood there listening this whole time.

Could I really change? For her? Hidan thought.

To be continued…

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