Monday 22 April 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 35

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 35: A sweet Kimono just for you.

Shimu stayed awake giving her back to Hidan, she stayed awake almost all night thinking when it will be the day that Hidan will tell her how he feels. Hidan also slept giving Shimu his back, he was also awake thinking and analyzing his thoughts, he didn’t know what love meant, he didn’t thought he could ever love anyone but his God. Hidan’s chest burned, all thought he is a masochist and enjoys pain he for sure wasn’t enjoying this one, emotional pain.

The next morning Hidan woke up, he left the hideout and went for a walk to keep on thinking about what he told Shimu. He left her in his room with Kakuzu outside his room that was locked guarding the entrance, he had to pay him later. As he walked he couldn’t stop thinking about her eyes, how that night they glowed in the dark, the way she acted that night, how she was all naughty and sexy with him, he had never seen that side of her only that time when she was drunk. How am I going to tell this bi-… How am I going to tell Shimu what I feel if I don’t know what the fuck I feel?! Fuck! I just can’t keep her waiting forever.

Tobi: Hidan-sama?

Hidan: Huh? Were you following me?!

Tobi: No, no, no! I’m going to the village, want to join me?

Hidan: Ugh, fine.

Hidan and Tobi walked to the nearest village, they went to ramen shop and sat down there, they weren’t talking as much, Tobi was just staring at Hidan, Hidan looked anxious.

Tobi: Hidan-sama?

Hidan: What?

Tobi: Haha you look anxious, or nervous… What’s wrong?

Hidan: Nothing.

Tobi: Is Shimu-chan, right?

Hidan: No! Why would I be worried, or why would I even be thinking of her, huh!?

Tobi: I didn’t say you were worried or were thinking or her sama…

Hidan: *Pause* Shut up.

Tobi: C’mon Hidan-sama you can tell me! Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!

Hidan: Alright! Shut up! *Sigh* Shimu told me she likes me…

Tobi: I think everyone knows that… What else?

Hidan: Well… Well… I don’t know if I feel the same!

Tobi: *Pause* Hahahahaha.

Hidan: Oi! What’s so funny!?

Tobi: You! Hidan-sama of course you like her! I even think you might even be in love with her!

Hidan: What?! Never! I’M LEAVING!

Tobi: Hold on Hidan-sama! Want to know why I said you love her? Hidan… What do you when you meet a girl? Well you… *Whispers* Fuck her… And then later you leave, I mean you don’t care. Ask yourself “Why haven’t I fuck this girl? Why did I get so angry and worried when she tried to kill herself? Why do I get so angry when someone gets close to her or touches her or even talks to her?” I’m sure about that one though. “Why am I so protective over her? Why can’t I just have sex with her and leave her there not caring? Why did I gave her a rose when she was in pain? Why do I CARE so much?” Ask yourself that Hidan… I know you’re a killer and that you might have never felt loved or love someone, but you feel something this time, you feel a burn in your chest, you feel good when you’re with her even if you guys fight. You love her.

Hidan stood still and looked away.

Hidan: I’ll see you later.


Weeks went by, Shimu and Hidan talked to each other normal, Shimu gave up on the thought that Hidan will tell her how he feels for her. She thought that that was never going to happen. One later afternoon Shimu and Hidan were walking through a village, Shimu then heard some guys talking about a firework carnival that same night, Shimu got exited and begged Hidan that she wanted to go with him, Hidan thought about it and later on said yes. Shimu was so exited, she wanted to change clothes in to something nice but she couldn’t go back to the hideout and then to the village, Shimu then ran to a store and bought herself a white and red Kimono, and made her hair in to a bow.

Like this: 

When she stepped out of the store Hidan couldn’t just stop staring at her, she was still fixing her hair a little.

Woah… That girl is beautiful.

Hidan: I know…

You know her? She your girlfriend?

Hidan: I know her… And no… She’s not my girlfriend.

That’s too bad… Tonight will be a great night for you too end up together. Don’t you think man? Fire works? It’s pretty romantic if you ask me. You might even be alone… I don’t know man… Make your move. *Leaves*

Shimu: There you are! How do I look?

Shimu said with a big smile on her face, waiting for Hidan to complement her. Hidan’s thoughts weren’t nasty, he wasn’t thinking that she looked hot, or sexy or that the “tap” that, no, he was thinking how beautiful she looked, how her eyes shine, how her smile make him smile, but he hold on to those thought and words and didn’t say anything.

Hidan: Okay.

Shimu: “Okay”?

Shimu looked down disappointed, she thought he was going to say something else, Maybe I’m right… he wont tell me how he feels… Cause he doesn’t feel anything… Shimu thought. She then heard his voice.

Hidan: Oi… Follow me.

Hidan walked behind Shimu and put his hands on her eyes covering them, he took Shimu to a higher place on the village more like the highest place from the village, as they got further the sound of the people talking slowly fade away. When they got there was a little wooden bench, not a lot of people hang there, this was like Hidan’s quite place. It was quite, it wasn’t dark but it wasn’t bright either, there was a soft light that surrounded the place making look and feel peaceful, it was breezy but not too cold or too hot, a few more feet’s in front of the bench there was a railing that all the village could be seen. Hidan took Shimu in front of the railing and took off his hands of her eyes. Shimu slowly opened her eyes, her yaw dropped at the magnificent view she had, all the lights from the village looked beautiful, Shimu couldn’t say anything or do anything but just smiled, Hidan stood beside her, Shimu then grabbed his hands and wrap her fingers around his.

Hidan: Come with me…

Hidan took a sit on the bench and so did Shimu.

To be continued…

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