Thursday 4 April 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 24

Akatsuki Took Me In.

Chaper 24: Mind In The Gutter.

Shimu: Hidan-sama… Hi, when did you got here? Where did Tobi go?

Hidan: Um… He left, I just got here.

Shimu started to rub Hidan chest and got close to his neck and started to breathe on it, her hot breath make Hidan shiver.

Hidan: What is it?...

Shimu: Are we going to… you know go to your bed and stuff?...

Hidan: I don’t think so…

Shimu didn’t like his answers at all so she looked at him and got off of him, he looked at her confused, she then started to walked towards him slowly and staring at him in a sensual way, Hidan walked backwards till he couldn’t walk anymore he was stopped by a tree, Shimu then got closer to him and put her body on his.

Hidan: Oi! Oi! What are you doing?!

Shimu: Nothing…

Shimu stared at Hidan’s eyes and slowly started to go down on him, she never stopped staring at him, Hidan started to breathe deeply and fast he already knew what was coming, Shimu slowly unbutton his pants, Hidan couldn’t take it and he just pushed her off of him making her fall to the ground.

Shimu: Hidan!

Since Shimu was fast she got again in the position she was but he then pushed her off  of him once again, he was now angry, he got on top of her pushing both of her hands to the ground, he got close to her face and looked at her in the eyes

Hidan: Don’t. You. Dare.


Shimu looked at him since she couldn’t move anything but her head and Hidan was really close to her face, she then move her head forwards and licked Hidan’s lips. Hidan face of anger change and looked at her so confused and in shocked of what she just did.

Hidan: You smell like alcohol…

Shimu: I like the way you taste when you’re all up in my face.

Hidan open his eyes wide, Shimu just smiled at him and they stayed there for a while. Are really going to?… I guess the old Hidan is really back… Hidan though



A door slammed open and the it was slammed closed with the lock on, Hidan was carrying Shimu with her legs around his waist, he was stroking her hair hard, pulling on it slowly but hard and the same time, Hidan was staring at Shimu’s blue eye’s as they slowly closed and rolled them to the back of her head, Hidan put her against the wall, when he was about to kiss her she moved her face making him kiss her cheek, she then giggle and pulled him closer to her she then started to breath on his ear. Oh… Hidan thought. Hidan rubbed her thigh and push his hand under her dress, he didn’t touch her there, he just teases her making her think that he going to.  Shimu pushed Hidan off of her and she then began to push him slowly to were the bed was, Hidan sat down Shimu put a hand on his chest and pushed him down so he was lying on the bed, she slowly crawl on top of him. She straddled herself on top of Hidan and he grabbed her at the waist firmly. Lowering herself he saw the enticing opening that revealed her breasts. Slowly she came closer until their lips were barely a centimeter apart and her breasts were crushing against his chest. Hidan looked at her blue eyes, those eyes that hipnotized him. Suddenly Shimu smiled at him impishly. What... Hidan thought and then it hit him. A sweet smell of cinammon and jasmine. Shimu had chosen that exact moment to part her lips and breath on his. Hidan lost control right then and there. Throwing her on the bed he placed himself on top of her crushing her body against his. He caressed her waist and slowly lowered his hands until they found what he had been looking for. Slipping a hand inside her short pants that were under her dress he slowly opened her legs until he found it. Watching Shimu's face all the time he wondered how those blue eyes would look when she was at the climax of ecstasy. Wanting to find out he kept his attention on her face as he slowly but surely placed the finger on her clit. Shimu gasped.

Shimu: Hidan...sama...

She moaned and looked at him with rapture. Willing himself to control he started stroking her at the pace he knew from experience would make her climax completely. Shimu moaned grasping her hands in to fists.

Shimu: More...

She said. Then Hidan lost control and set the pace faster. He leaned down to her neck and sucked on it hard, making her moan louder, he then backed off of her neck leaving a mark on it and went back to stare at her. He could see it coming in her wetness, her eyes, and the way her body was reacting. Shimu could feel her heart racing, skipping and body twitching. It was close. Then it happened. As Shimu climaxed she arched her back and let out a moan of pleasure and her eyes opened and look straight into Hidan's. Then she closed her eyes when the climax was over, her body trembling with the aftermath. Hidan slowly removed his hands and stared blankly at Shimu. Hidan grabbed the condom Pein gave him when he opened it he looked back and Shimu.

Shimu: Hidan-sama…

Hidan: Hm…

Shimu: Kiss me…

Hidan slowly got close to her Shimu then closed her eyes. When Hidan was about to kiss her he felt her breath, but he didn’t like it, it smelled like alcohol, Hidan backed off and got off of her, Shimu looked at him. She’s drunk… I can’t do this while she is drunk… Why not?... I… don’t know but I feel a strange feeling that it burns my chest, and its not good its bad… I can’t do this while she is like this. Hidan thought. Hidan got off the bed and throw the condom to the floor.

Hidan: Another time.

Shimu: W-What?!

Hidan: I said another time.

Shimu: Why!? You can’t do this to me! Not now!

Hidan: Yes I can.

Hidan began to walk away, Shimu didn’t wanted him to left so she thought of something, he then felt a hand grabbed his arm, Hidan turned around to see Shimu with her eyes cover with tears.

Shimu: At least stay with me tonight… to cuddle…

Hidan thought about it.

Shimu: Please…

Hidan: *Sigh* Okay…

Shimu smiled and jumped in the bed making a space for Hidan, Hidan layed down and Shimu lay her head on his shoulder, her arm on his chest and her leg on top on his waist.

Shimu: Good night Hidan-sama…

Hidan: Good night… Shiyu…

To be continued...

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