Sunday 14 April 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 30

Akatsuki took me in:

Chapter 30: Checking you out.


Hidan: Oi! Shiyu wake up!

Shimu: Huh… What happened? *Sigh* I got in trouble again, didn’t I?

Tobi: Haha! You’re not in trouble. Pein-sama just hit you by mistake cause he was going to hit Hidan-sama and you got in the middle to protect him and now you’re here! Pein-sama heal you, same with me and Kakuzu-sama and I don’t remember who else… Konan…

Hidan: Shut Up! Are you al-

Itachi: Are you alright?

Hidan looked at him angry.

Itachi: What?

Shimu: I’m fine… Wait Pein-sama heal me?

Hidan: Yes. He was lucky I didn’t kill him right there.

Shimu: And Kakuzu?!

Hidan:… I have to pay him.

Shimu: I see…

There was an awkward silence, this made Itachi and Tobi leave, leaving Hidan and Shimu alone. Shimu slowly grabbed Hidan’s hand, Hidan looked at her to see that she was looking down.

Shimu: I had a bad dream… with everyone from the hide out… I was like a demon I don’t know. And Hayato was there and told me that the time is near…

Hidan: I had a bad dream with you also, and yeah same with the demon.

Shimu: What can that mean?

Hidan: Nothing, its just a dream. Are you hungry? I’ll tell Tobi to make you something to eat okay.

Shimu then was left alone in the cold room, she then put the blankets over her and turned around facing the balcony, it was dark outside, no wind. Why would Pein-sama heal me?... Shimu thought, she then sigh and closed her eyes. To this moment Shimu for some reason felt lonely, she felt cold, a tear slowly fell down her eye sliding it self slowly on her cheek and falling to the pillow, I am so scared of that dream… What can this mean… That everyone is going to turn their back on me even Hidan-sama?... Shimu thought.

Hidan: Oi…

Shimu opened her eyes and turned around to look at Hidan. The coldness and loneliness feeling was gone when she saw that silver hair, those pink-red-purple eyes, how tall he was and how strong he was, she slowly gave him a smile. Hidan was standing there with a hot bowl of ramen, he then notice she was crying, he sat the bowl down and walked close so her, he got on his knees beside the bed facing her.

Hidan: Why are you crying? Did someone did something to you just now?! I swear I will kill them! I am getting tired of these motherfuckers!

Shimu: *giggles* I’m fine Hidan-sama… *Rubs Hidan’s cheek* I’m better now that you’re here.

Shimu looked at him straight in the eyes and so did Hidan. Am I falling for this killer? Shimu thought. Why can’t I just ignore these eyes? Hidan thought. Shimu began to get close to Hidan, she just wanted to feel his lips against her. She then began to close her eyes slowly, Hidan notice what she was about to do, then Shimu hit her lips on something warm… But then it got hotter she then backed off to see the bowl on ramen right in front of her face.

Hidan: Eat…

Hidan got up and helped her sit down.

Shimu: Arigato.

Hidan: I got you this…

Hidan then grabbed something under Shimu’s bed to see that it was a rose. Shimu’s eyes widen open and blushed, she stopped eating and looked at Hidan, Hidan was looking away with his hand giving her the rose.

Hidan: Tobi told me you would of like so… Here it is. It wasn’t my idea! It was Tobi’s! So… take it.

Shimu took the rose and smelled it. She was blushing and had a smile so big. Shimu with her finger told Hidan to get close to her, like if she was going to tell him a secret, he rolled his eyes but got close to her, when he was finally there Shimu slowly kissed his cheek, Hidan opened his eyes wide and big at the feeling of her lips that even if the room was cold her lips were still warm and soft. Hidan backed off slowly, he looked at her for a while and then sat down on a chair.

3 weeks went by Shimu could already move and walk around by herself, with the help of Hidan, he didn’t let even Tobi get close to her. One day Shimu was in her room and she was going to take a shower she then took her stuff and walked to her bathroom. At the end of her bathroom door there are some small windows facing down that the light come’s out from there, there is no way someone could see inside the bathroom unless someone got down and looked up the windows.

Hidan walked in Shimu’s room looking for her, when he got there he didn’t find her, but he heard a door lock, it was her bathroom door, he walked over to knocked on the her door but before he did he remember the night he saw her on her night shirt, and the night of Tobi’s birthday. He then decided to look up the windows of Shimu’s bathroom door, to see her untying her pony tail and letting her long black hair fall to her shoulders and back, she was with her bra on and hot pants, she turned around looking self at the mirror to look at the whip bruises she had on her back, a few of them were gone but no completely and by the looks of it they weren’t going any where, Shimu looked down. Hidan notice she was upset but he didn’t care he was too busy checking her out, Shimu then looked down to the windows of her door and saw someone she gasp and opened the door fast, when she did no one was there. I must be seen things. Shimu thought. She then walked back inside, closed the door and locked it. Hidan was on the roof of her room. That was close… Hidan thought. He then left thinking about her.

That same day Shimu went outside the hideout with Tobi, they were by the river with their feet’s in the water.

Shimu: Tobi-kun…

Tobi: Yes?

Shimu: Thanks for the rose you told Hidan to give me when I was hurt.

Tobi: Huh?

Shimu: All though Hidan gave it to me it was your idea anyways.

Tobi: What rose are you talking about Shimu-chan?

Shimu: The rose you told Hidan to give me!

Tobi: I didn’t told him anything. I saw him with a rose that day and he hide it fast when he saw me but I never told him to get you a rose.

Shimu’s eyes were wide open, she then looked down blushing with a smile on her face.

Hidan: Oi!

Shimu looked up to see Hidan standing on the water with Kakuzu and Itachi. Shimu had a silly smile cause of the thought of the rose, Hidan looked at her weird but then ignore it.

Hidan: We are going to train here.

Shimu: Is okay.

Hidan: I didn’t ask you.

Shimu: Sorry…

Hidan: Hm…

Itachi sat down beside Shimu, Shimu poked his arm Itachi looked at her and chuckled. Hidan and Kakuzu began to train. Hidan took his shirt off and throw it to Shimu’s face, Shimu lower his shirt under her eyes she didn’t wanted anyone to see her blush, but then Itachi snatch the shirt off of her and throw it some where else, there Hidan saw Shimu blushing he chuckled and grabbed his sword.

Hidan: Let’s do this shit!

And then they began to train, at one moment Hidan throw his sword to Tobi, Tobi hide and Itachi had to grabbed the sword.

Itachi: Stop throwing shit!

Hidan chuckled and began to use Tai justu, which it is Shimu’s favorite justsu. So… HOT!. Shimu thought. She stat there staring at Hidan’s move, how fast he was and how strong he was. She sat there staring at his silver hair that reach to the back of his neck, she then began to stare at his muscle how big they were, how strong they were, Shimu was blushing so much she didn’t realize it, but Itachi did.

Itachi: Are you okay?

Shimu snapped out of it looked at Itachi and with the biggest smile and said.

Shimu: I couldn’t be better!

Weirdo… Itachi thought.

To be continued…


  1. Hi there,
    You sent me a message on my Tumblr to present me your fanfiction. :) How are you? I've been reading the story chapters, and, sorry for saying that to you, I really don't dig Akatsuki stories with OCs. I think OCs tend to fall into the cliché type (dead parents, tragic past, rape...) and I can't think of Akatsuki with another woman than Konan. Pardon me for saying that, but I've read so many "oc-gets-hired-by-akatsuki-and-falls-in-love-with-one-of-them-or-all-of-them", I get kind of sad. I love fanfiction (yaoi, lemon, comedy, angst, drama...), but only with canon characters. Thank you for sending me the link, though. :) I think you write well and that you could explore a little bit more the characters.

  2. Thanks for reading! And thanks for your feed back!
