Sunday 7 April 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 26

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 26: Training / Darkness

Shimu and Tobi looked to the door to see that it was Itachi standing there. He was there with his hair all messed up.

Shimu: Hey Itachi-sama! You sure had fun last night!

Tobi: Yeah! You dance funny!

Itachi: Shut up, both of you. Tobi, leave, I need to speak with Shimu.

Why would Itachi want to talk to me? Shimu thought.

Tobi: Fine… See you later Shimu-chaaan!

Tobi then left. Itachi stood there in the doorway just staring blankly at Shimu, Weirdo… Shimu thought.

Shimu: Yes?

Itachi: Follow me.

Shimu: Where?

Itachi: Just follow me.

Shimu: Let me tell Hidan-sama.

Itachi: Why?

Shimu: Well I don’t want him to get angry like last time.

Itachi: I’ll wait for you here.

Shimu then went down stairs to tell Hidan, it was a pain, he was angry and didn’t let her go with Itachi, but she assured him that nothing out of place was going to happen and if something out place did happen she will tell Hidan right away. Hidan thought about it and finally said yes but threatening Itachi. Shimu went up stairs to her room to see Itachi on her balcony.

Itachi: Let’s go.

Itachi jumped out of the balcony, Shimu followed him, they began to walk through the woods, half an hour later they got to the middle on the woods, it was a circle surrounded with trees. Shimu looked around and saw kunais in the trees, target signs, and wooden manikins, like a training field. Are we going to train? Shimu thought.

Itachi: Here.

Itachi lend Shimu four kunais, he then pointed at one of the target signs.

Shimu: You want to throw them?

Itachi: No! I want to you bake a cake with them. Duh! Throw them! Let’s see how good at this you are.

Shimu: You didn’t have to be so mean.

Itachi: Do it.

Shimu aimed at the target sign, she took a while to throw them though, she was there with one eye closed and the other one open still aiming at the sign target. I am going to fail this… Shimu thought. She then throw them all at the same time, two of them went flying somewhere else, one of them almost hit the target and one of the hit the middle. She turned around and smile at Itachi, Itachi looked at her and pick the kunais up and give them to her.

Itachi: I want them all in the middle of the target, don’t stop until you’re done.

3:00 pm already. Itachi took a nap far away from where Shimu was, she almost killed him the kunais.

Shimu: Itachi-sama!!!!!!!!!!

Itachi got up to her scream and walked over where she was, when he got there Shimu was breathing deeply, fast and poiting at a tree with a smile, when Itachi looked at the tree the four kunais were on the middle of the target.

Shimu: I… I did it!...

Shimu said exhausted and without any breath, she then laid down on the grass with here eyes closed, suddenly a shadow covered her, she opened her eyes to see Itachi.

Itachi: We’re not done. Get up.

Shimu: But I’m tired and I haven’t eaten anything.

Itachi: This will be the last thing we will do today and then you may leave.

Shimu: *Sigh* Okay. Hidan-sama must be going crazy without me

*Where Hidan is*

Hidan: I’ll cut you up!

Deidara: I’ll blast you to hell!

*Back to Shimu*

Shimu: Or maybe not…

Itachi: Come.

Shimu got up and followed Itachi to one of the wooden manikins, he then explain that he wanted her to destroy one of the wooden manikins in one punch. That’s impossible… Shimu thought. Itachi wanted to demonstrate how it was done, he got in front of one of the wooden manikins, Shimu just looked at him with a face like this
-_____- or like this >______> and without any warning he punch the wooden manikin destroying it like is was nothing making Shimu jumped and stood there in shocked.

Itachi: And don’t stop till you get it, I’ll be standing close, I don’t think my life is in danger right now.

Shimu began to punch the wooden manikin, but it didn’t do much damage. Hours passed by and Shimu was getting a little better, she manage to break a few pieces but not all the wooden manikin. Shimu’s fist was bleeding but she didn’t stopped. Some how few minutes later… Shimu felt stronger, with more energy…


Something deep…deep inside Shimu’s soul sleeps. But is hard to see anything, it’s all dark in here, is nothing but a dark, evil, out of this world energy. But what is it? Is it just chakra? Or what?

From all this darkness the only thing visible… Is just two little things opening, like eyes, with an orange fiery color…


But… What is this?

*Back to Shimu*

Shimu began to punch the manikin harder, with so much strength that she didn’t even knew where she got it. Itachi felt something wrong, he just didn’t know what, but something about her was wrong, the way the was hitting the manikin, she use to hit it hard but not like now. Something is not right… Itachi thought. Shimu felt something also, she felt stronger What is this strength I have never had… I like it… Shimu thought.

Itachi: Shimu…

Shimu: Wait! I almost got it! *Punching the manikin*

Itachi: It’s not that Shimu…  Shimu, you should take a break.

Shimu: Why? *Punching the manikin*

Itachi: Cause I say so!

Shimu: No way! I have never felt still strong! *Punching the manikin*

Itachi: Enough!

At that moment Shimu punch the manikin one last time destroying all of it, making it into little wooden pieces and falling on the ground.

Shimu: Hell yeah! Did you see that, Itachi-sama? Woah that was awesome… That was… great…

Itachi: Hey! Hey! Shimu! Great, now Hidan is going to kill me!


Itachi: I felt something weird and I tried to stop her but she didn’t listen.

Hidan: You should have yelled at her!

Itachi: I did!

Shimu: Hidan-sama? Where…am I?

Hidan: You’re-

Itachi: You’re back at the-

Itachi looked at Hidan, Hidan was looking at him with a face that said Let me do the talking.

Hidan: You’re back at the hideout.

Shimu: What happened? I can’t remember anything…

Itachi: You were training to hard so I guess you passed out.

Hidan: What’s the last thing you remember?

Shimu: When my fist started to bleed… and when I heard Itachi-sama called my name and then I blacked out?

Itachi: What about the middle of that? You don’t remember what happened after your fist started bleeding or before I called you name?

Shimu: No… I don’t remember anything after or before that… Why?

Itachi: Hidan, we need to talk.

To be continued…

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