Monday 8 April 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 27

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 27: It happen.

Itachi and Hidan walked outside the room they were, as they walked outside Itachi closed the door.

Itachi: I don’t know how she can’t remember.

Hidan: What are the things that she doesn’t remember?

Itachi: Well after her fist started bleeding she got a lot stronger, she started punching the wooden manikin harder, I mean she can punch hard but this time was different, she was stronger. Then I told her to take a break but she didn’t listen, I mean, she said no and kept on punching the manikin, till I screamed at her and she destroyed it. She then told me if I saw that and whatever, whatever and then she fainted…

Hidan: I have no idea what the hell could be wrong.

Itachi: Maybe that happened because she hasn’t train in while, maybe that was the weird feeling I got, her chakra… All though it was different…

Hidan: Well not everyone has the same chakra. Let’s just forget about this.

Itachi: Whatever then.

Hidan: You didn’t touch her, right?

Itachi: No! I’m no interested in her!

Shimu: Hidan-sama…

Hidan: I’m still going to keep an eye on you.

Itachi: *Sigh*

Hidan walked inside were Shimu was.

Hidan: Hm.

Shimu: I am so tired… It has been so long since I haven’t train.

Hidan: Rest for a while.

Shimu: But I’m not tired…

At the moment Tobi walked in.

Tobi: Shimu-chaaaann!! Oh… Should I leave you two alone?

Hidan: What?! No!

Tobi: Good. Hidan-samaaaa!!!

Hidan: WHAT!?

Tobi: Let’s play a game. A card game.

Hidan: No…

Shimu: I want to play! Please Hidan-sama, play with us.

Hidan: *sigh* Fine.

Tobi manage to get everyone from the hideout to play, even Pein. They were all in the room Shimu was, since Shimu couldn’t get up they all put their card on the bed she was and began to play. Pein, Kisame, Itachi, Deidara and Tobi were helping Shimu cause she didn’t understood the game very well. Kakuzu and Hidan were fighting cause they were loosing to Shimu.

Shimu: I won? I won!

Shimu wrapped her arms around Itachi’s and Tobi’s neck pulling them close to her and hugged them.

Shimu: Thanks Tobi-kun, Itachi-sama, Kisame-sama, Deidara-kun, and… Pein-sama.

Deidara: When will I ever be called sama?...

Hidan got on top on Shimu, and put his face in front of her’s.

Hidan: I will like to see you play with out any help!

Kakuzu: Damn right…

Hidan: You’re a cheater!

Shimu: *Blushes* Hidan-sama… It’s just a game…

Hidan: Why… Are you… Blushing?…

Tobi: Oh Hidan-sama! Take it easy it’s just a silly game!

At that moment Tobi pushed on Hidan’s back, making Hidan move forward to were Shimu was, lading on her lips. Both Shimu and Hidan were staring at each other with their lips touching slightly, then as quickly as they had bumped they pulled back. Shimu knew she was blushing so she turned her face away, looking from the corner of her eye she was surprised to see that Hidan face was flushed slightly red also.

Tobi: OH SHIT!

Deidara: WHAT THE FUCK!!!???


Itachi: ……………

Kakuzu: *Counting money* Tobi you own me twenty bucks. *Looks up at Tobi and everyone else* What? *Looks at Hidan and Shimu* Ohh…

Pein: ………………

Konan: ……………

Hidan: TO.BIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tobi: Holy Shit! No, no, no, no! Hidan-sama I didn’t mean to!!!!!!

Hidan grabbed Tobi by the collar of his shirt.

Hidan: Prepare to die!!!!!!!

Pein: Enough! Game’s over, every body pick up their stuff and go do something else.

Tobi ran away, everyone else left and Hidan stood there angry as hell, he then turned around to face Shimu, Shimu was with her hand on her mouth, her face red looking straight at Hidan. Hidan looked at her and he was about to blush as well he then turned around.

Hidan: You okay? Did my head hit your head?

Shimu: No… But your lips hit my lips…


Shimu: I know Hidan-sama…

Hidan: *Sigh* I see you later…

Shimu: Please leave Tobi-kun alone… He didn’t mean to…

Hidan: Yeah yeah…

Hidan walked outside and head to his room. Stupid Kid… Whatever it was just a damn accident, no big deal… But I guess it was about time that happen… Fuck… I can’t keep those eyes out of my mind! And… The way her soft lips felt when they meet mine… Woah… What the fuck am I thinking!? I need a shower… Hidan thought.

Few weeks went by, Hidan and Shimu were okay, they spend a little more time together, Hidan wasn’t giving her many favors for her to do. Itachi as well spent time with Shimu, he was helping her train and for his surprise she was getting better, he didn’t felt the weird energy he felt the first time they train, Itachi and her were becoming really close friends.

To be continue…

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