Saturday 20 April 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 34

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 34: Deal?

Hidan ran to the hideout, he was so mad, he was madder than the time Tobi told him that Shimu was alive after the tried to commit suicide. Hidan had his face red, veins were popping out of his forehead and neck, he then began to sweat. He didn’t mind going to the entrance so he jumped through Shimu’s balcony and ran to Pein’s room so see that he wasn’t there. Shimu was following Hidan, she was exhausted from all the running. Hidan ignored her and went to Pein’s office and finally Pein was there working with some papers, he then looked up at Hidan.

Pein: What?

Hidan grabbed Pein by the neck and lift him up in the air, Pein didn’t show any emotion at all.

Hidan: You know what!

Pein looked to the door and saw Shimu looking at him angry, he then chuckle and Hidan shake him making him looked at him.


Pein didn’t answer he just looked at him, nooded slowly and looked away.

Hidan: GOOD!

At that moment Konan entered, she had a tray with some coffee for Pein, she looked first at Shimu wondering what was she doing there, she then saw Pein lift up in the air, she dropped the tray to the floor and ran to Hidan, she held on to Hidan’s arm.

Konan: How dare you Hidan!? Let Pein-sama go!

Hidan let go of Pein making him fall to the ground. He then began to walk away, he hold on to Shimu’s hand and walked out. Konan sat beside Pein with one of her hand’s on his chest and the other one on his back.

Konan: What happened?

Pein: Nothing. Go.

Konan: But Pein…

Pein: GO!

Konan then got up and left. Hidan took Shimu to her room, once there Shimu then told him everything that has happened with her and Pein, all thought it wasn’t much but Hidan still got angry, Shimu did her best to calm him down but nothing worked. Hidan was walking around her room really angry. Shimu got on her bed so she will be the same height, Hidan stopped and looked at her.

Shimu: Come here.

Hidan walked close to her bed, she then grabbed his cheek and looked at him straight in the eyes.

Shimu: Hidan-sama… Please calm down!

Hidan looked at her eyes, he then backed away and gave her his back, Shimu looked down Nothing works… Shimu thought.

Hidan: Get your stuff, you’re moving with me.

Shimu looked up at Hidan in shocked. She didn’t question him and grabbed a few shirts, pants, make up, hair stuff, pijamas and some other stuff, she put them on a backpack. Hidan grabbed her backpack and walked to his room. When they finally got there Hidan place her stuff and the floor and he lay on his bed.

Shimu: Hidan-sama… Where am I going to sleep?

Hidan: Oh right… I’ll sleep on the floor you’ll sleep here.

Whaaaaaaat?! Knowing Hidan-sama he would of told me that I was going to sleep on the floor. But… I want to sleep with him… How can I tell him?... Shimu thought. Hidan put a sleeping bag on the floor, he then began to put Shimu’s clothes in order.

Hidan: Well it’s 11:00pm, time for bed.

Shimu: I’m not tired…

Hidan: That wasn’t a question.

He’s still a dick… Shimu thought.

Shimu: Can I get a glass of water?

Hidan: Make it fast. I don’t want Pein to get in your way.

Shimu: Right.

Shimu ran downstairs, when she was done she went up again running to Hidan’s room, when she got there Hidan was taking a shower, moments later Hidan came out, Hidan was shirtless with his tight sexy boxers, Shimu could see his manhood, she then looked at his sexy abs, and then his arm that were so big and all cover in muscles, she saw him as he dried his silver hair that was in face and then he pushed it back, she did her best not to look at him or blushed and just ignored it. She went to Hidan’s bathroom she took a shower and put on a big nightshirt with some short pants and let her hair down. When she came out Hidan looked and her, he looked at her legs, her thighs, Shimu noticed and pulled down her shirt covering herself. Hidan chuckled. Shimu got to his bed, Hidan then closed the door, locked it, turned off the light and got in his sleeping back.

Shimu: Hidan-sama…

Hidan: What?

Shimu: *Blushes* I want you to sleep with me…

Hidan sat down on and looked at her. She was looking down embarrassed. He then got up without saying a word and crawl on her top of her, he looked at her straight in the eye, but then he got off of her and laid beside her pulling the covers on top of them. Shimu then looked at him, he knew she was looking at him he just ignore her. Shimu sat down on the bed still looking at him, when Hidan saw her sat down he looked at her, for his surprise her blue eyes shine in the dark that night. Hidan sat up when he looked at her eyes.

Hidan: Oi… Shiyu… Your eyes are shinning.

Shimu: Really?  

Hidan: Yeah…

Shimu slowly sat on top of him, Hidan grabbed her waits, Shimu slowly pushed him down so he would laid on the bed, she was still sitting down on top of him. Hidan was just staring at her, Shimu got down so kiss him but he turned his face another way making her kiss his cheek, Shimu then sat down again on top of him staring at him, she then began to move her hips back and forwards, when Hidan felt this his eyes widen open and looked at her, he was blushing but it was dark to see it.

Hidan: Oi! Shiyu! Don’t!

Shimu: Hidan-sama… I want you…

Hidan stood still at those words, Shimu closed her eyes and began to move a bit harder but slowly, Hidan was still holding on to her waist he then began to move her waist as well. Shimu began to breath a bit deeper and blushed. The room was cold, but not for Hidan and Shimu, the room slowly began to fill it self with lust and hotness, as Shimu moved on top of Hidan with his help she felt butterflies on her lower belly, making her moan and blushed. Hidan just looked at the faces she was making, when she moaned, this made his manhood grow, he looked down at it and then a her, Shimu felt it, when she did she started to move faster. This is so wrong… I can’t do this… I don’t know what I feel for her, there’s a fucking feeling in my chest that I don’t know what the fuck is it! And till I figure this shit out… I’m not going to do this with her… Hidan thought.

Hidan: Oi… Shiyu… We can’t do this… Stop.

Shimu: *Moaning* Hidan-sama don’t make me stop now…

Fuck… I can’t resist her… Hidan thought. Hidan closed his eyes tight, hoping that if he didn’t look at her his manhood will go down, but it wouldn’t because she didn’t stop moving.

Hidan: Shiyu… Stop.

Shimu then stopped and look at him.

Hidan: Stop. I’m serious…

Shimu: Hidan-sama… I want you. You make me crazy…

Hidan: What?!

Shimu: Hidan-sama… I… I like you…

Hidan: I know…

Shimu: Do you like me? I like you Hidan-sama… and I want to show you how much I like you…

She then began to slide her hand in to Hidan’s boxer.

Hidan: Oi!

Shimu: Hidan-sama please!

Shimu then grabbed his manhood.

Hidan: Damn it!

Hidan then got her off of him, put her against the bed and got on top of her looking at her straight in her eyes, he didn’t care if her eyes had some effect on him this time, he just ignored them.

Hidan: Look Shiyu we can’t do this!

Shimu: Why?! Hidan-sama I lik-…

Hidan: Don’t say it! I heard you… Look Shimu we can’t do this cause… What you feel for me… I don’t know if I feel it. I don’t know this shit about feelings and emotions, I’m killer, I don’t get attached to things or people. So when I figure this shit out… I will let you know. Deal?

Shimu: Deal.

Hidan was surprise she didn’t cry or ask him anything, he slowly got off of her, he then did something she never expected, Hidan kissed her forehead.

Hidan: Good night.

To be continued…

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