Friday 26 April 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 37

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 37: Tell me what you kill so save a life.

9:30 am the beautiful sun was out and shinnying, it was a warm morning. Birds could be heard. A small sunshine went through a little hole of a curtain that Hidan had in his room. The sun shine hit Hidan’s face making him wake up, when he woke up he could feel that he was exhausted from all that he did with Shimu last night, they did so many things, but it didn’t matter how much they did Hidan still remember perfectly every detail, they pull an all night-ter, he then look down to his chest to see Shimu resting her head on his chest, sleeping, she looked so peaceful. Hidan slowly smile and kissed her head making her wrap her arms around him and pull him close to her. I can’t believe this actually happened… Hidan thought.

He looked down at her, he looked at her face, her long black hair, her lips, and her closed eyes, Can I be in love with her? I don’t even know what love feels, or how it evens starts? Jashin give me a damn sign telling that I feel that for her! Hidan thought. Hidan got lost on his thoughts thinking of the times he had spent with her, remembering her blue eyes, remembering how her eyes shine the night she tried to do something with him but he didn’t let her, her smile, how she was scared of spiders, her laugh… Suddenly Hidan felt his chest burn, he felt his heart racing faster and faster, he even thought he was having a heart attack but he knew it wasn’t that, he didn’t know what it was, he began to suffocated, he pushed Shimu away from and sat down on the bed breathing fast and deep, Shimu got up with the push he gave her.

Shimu: Hidan? Hidan! What’s wrong!? Talk to me!

Hidan couldn’t talk he just kept on breathing fast and deep. He then looked at her and saw that Shimu’s eyes became watery, he began to breathe faster,  she then hold on to his arm.

Shimu: Hidan! You’re having an anxiety attack! Why?! What are you thinking of!?

Hidan got up and ran to the bathroom closing the door behind him, he lean on the bathroom door still breathing deeply and fast, he could heard Shimu knocking on the door calling for him, few seconds later his breathing started to slow down and he then began to breath normally, his heart started beating normally as well. He then walked to the sink and wash his face and looked at himself in the mirror still breathing slow and deep, he then looked down to his Jashin necklace I didn’t mean you could kill me!... Hidan thought. He then openned the door and saw Shimu with a worried look on her face.

Hidan: Oi! Don’t make that face!

Shimu: But…

Hidan: No “buts”! And why are you covering yourself with the sheets? I’m not covering myself!

Shimu laugh she then asked him if he was okay and question him about what happened, he didn’t wanted to talk about it, he told her he was okay and she had nothing to worried about. Hidan looked at her in way he wanted more of what he had last night, so they did, on the bed, the floor, the cabinets, the shower.

Later than day like around 3:00pm they finally got out of Hidan’s room and went downstairs to get something to eat.

Kakuzu: So I heard you guys were kissing.

Hidan: Got a problem?

Kisame: Lucky.

Shimu: Hidan-sama… I am going to look for Itachi, to see if I can train for a little bit.

Hidan: Aren’t you tired?

Shimu: A little bit. But is ok.

She then took off to look for Itachi.

Kisame: Tired of what?

Hidan: You don’t care. Fuck off.

It was now around 5:00pm, Shimu was outside of the hideout training with Itachi, and then they decided to take a break. Shimu sat down leaning her her back on a tree and resting her head on it and so did Itachi in another tree far away from her.

Itachi: So I heard something about you and Hidan…

Shimu: *Blushes* Yes… We’re boyfriend and girlfriend.

Itachi: Be careful.

Shimu: Why?

Itachi: Well… I don’t know, he’s a big guy, he better not hit you or anything.

Shimu: He wont. Don’t worry about it.

Itachi: You really like him?

Shimu: A lot.

Itachi: I wonder…

Shimu: You wonder what?

Itachi: I’ll be right back, keep on training.

Itachi left, Shimu took a deep breath she looked down at her fist to see that her knuckles her red, bruise and whit a little bit of blood. Mom…Dad… I will accomplish my goal… Shimu thought. She then got up I will accomplish my goal thanks to Itachi, Tobi… and of course Hidan… Shimu thought. She then began to hit a tree hard and fast, she was determinate to break the tree, even if the tree was a huge one. Without her noticing on her shoulders little flames of fires started to pop out, she then began to hit the tree harder and harder, she was still with her normal eyes, they didn’t turn orange like before, but she felt stronger. By a close tree Pein was standing on one of the branches just staring at her hit the tree with such force, he did notice the small flames coming out of her shoulders and then they began to pop out if her back and the back legs. He just stood there. Shimu was interrupted by a weak and in pain voice.

Hidan: Shiyu…

Shimu turned one fast knowing that it was Hidan, and she was right, when she turned around she saw Hidan on the floor bleeding and hurt, by his side there was two huge guys with swords. Itachi then appeared behind her.

Itachi: Tell me Shimu. What will you kill so safe a life?

Shimu: What?!

Itachi: What would you kill to safe a life?

Hidan: Shiyu… Help me…

Then one of the guys kicked Hidan on the ribs making him cough blood.

Shimu: Hidan-sama! Get away from him!

Shimu eyes change, her eyes were now orange, Itachi notice her eyes, he acted like he wasn’t in shocked but in reality he was. Shimu took off running faster than before, when she was getting closer she opened her arms, jumped and went through the middle on the two guys hitting them both on their necks with her arms open, the guys fell to the ground, Shimu looked back at them and at that moment the two guys turned in to a cloud of smoke and disappear, the same with Hidan. She then was shocked and looked at Itachi, she was so angry, but was it really her? Or something else? Or someone else? Whatever it was it was powerful. After all her eyes weren’t blue anymore. She began to ran towards Itachi when she was about to hit him he disappeared and appeared behind her back hitting her on her neck making her fall to the ground knocked out.


Shimu woke up on her Hidan’s bed, she looked around the room to see that Hidan was at the door way talking with Itachi, on the other side of the bed there was Konan with a needle when Shimu saw the needle she got up fast.

Shimu: What are you going to do with that!?

Hidan and Itachi walked in.

Hidan: Oi. She just put some medicine cause you fell to the ground hard, it just in case you body hurts.

Shimu: Okay… yeah my shoulders, back and the back of my legs hurt so yeah… Thanks Konan.

Konan got up and left.

Shimu: Itachi-sama… What happened?

Hidan: It doesn’t matter… Rest.

Shimu obeyed and rest. Itachi told Hidan everything that happened, when she had flames, when her eyes change. Hidan almost killed him but he had to take it easy, in the back on Hidan’s head he was happy that she stood up for herself and defended him, but he wasn’t sure if it was really her who did that because she doesn’t remember. Moments later Pein showed up and told them what he saw, he didn’t bother to get a respond so he left after he told them, Hidan was angry at the fact that he was there spying on her.

Hours went by Shimu woke up with Hidan by her side sleeping holding her close, it was now around 12:00am.

Shimu: Hidan-sama…

Hidan: Hmm… What?! What is it?!

Shimu: Easy…

Hidan: Oh… Oi how you feel?

Shimu: A lot better.

Hidan: Good.

Shimu: Hidan…

Hidan: Yea-…?

Hidan was interrupted by some soft warm lips on his, he closed his eyes and kissed her back. And so the night took off with them together under the sheets.

To be continued…

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