Wednesday 3 April 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 23

Akatsuki Took Me In.

Chapter 23: Party, Music and Alcohol / The Confession.

Hidan got back to his room and laid back on his bed thinking about Shimu with her nightshirt Waoh… Hidan thought. He then bite his lower lip and looked to his right to see the condom Pein gave him, Hidan took it and looked at it for a while, he then smirked and put it away. For some reason Hidan couldn’t stop smiling, he just couldn’t stop thinking about Shimu in her nightshirt. He then put an evil smirk on his face.

Hidan: The old Hidan is back. Hehe…


Few days went by and it was already Tobi’s birthday, it was around 9:00 pm, everyone left to the surprise party except for Shimu and Tobi, Shimu was the one that was going to take him there. Tobi was so exited to leave he was knocking on Shimu’s door like crazy, Shimu was getting ready, till she finally opened the door and there she was wearing this:

Tobi just stood there in shocked.

Tobi: Shimu-chan…

Shimu: Too much, right? I’ll go change!

Tobi grabbed her hand stopping her.

Tobi: You look amazing… *hugs her* You’re going to make Hidan-sama fall for you!!!!

Shimu blushed.

Shimu: Thank you Tobi… Let’s go.

As they walked Tobi was getting more and more exited, when they finally got to the village Shimu cover Tobi’s eyes with a bandana through the whole way till they got to the place. The place was a disco, all of the Akatsuki crew were there. When Shimu and Tobi were almost there they could hear the music so loud.

Shimu: I hope we don’t get in trouble cause of the music…

Tobi: What! No! We are the damn Akatsuki! Nobody messes with us! Are we almost there?!

Shimu: Haha! Almost.

When they finally got there the music was so damn loud but Shimu didn’t mind, she actually wanted to dance, with Tobi, not with the other guys.


Tobi entered the first and everyone yelled SURPRISE!!!!! Except for Hidan and Pein, Then everyone got to where Tobi was and wish him happy birthday, few moments later Shimu entered, no one actually notice she was there, they were to busy congratulating Tobi. Pein was wearing all black, black pants, black shirt and black shoes, Deidara was wearing a yellow long sleeve shirt, gray pants and black shoes, Itachi has a red and black stripe shirt, black jeans and black shoes, Kisame was wearing a light blue no sleeve shirt, dark blue jeans and black shoes, Tobi was wearing all black like Pein and finally Hidan was wearing a white no shirt sleeve shirt, black jeans and black shoes. Shimu didn’t say hi to anyone she just walked to the bar to get some water, she was thirsty after that walk. Kisame turned around and stood there in shocked, he then hit Hidan in the shoulder.

Hidan: What!?

Kisame: Look *eveil smile*

Kisame point at Shimu and Hidan looked at her, Hidan eyes wide open, both Kisame and Hidan stood there drooling over her, when Deidara saw her he did the same, the same with Itachi but he ignored it and left somewhere else. When Shimu got to the bar at that moment she felt someone grabbed her waist. It was no other than Kisame.

Kisame: Hey beautiful.

Shimu: Hey, how are you? *Backs off a little so Kisame let go of her*

Kisame: Fine. You look amazing tonight. First time we all see you with you hair down like that.

Shimu: Thank you. Haha yeah I’m always wearing a ponytail, so don’t get use to this.

Kisame: No problem baby.

Kisame couldn’t stop staring at her blue eyes, Shimu just looked away and looked at Tobi, Tobi dancing and having a good time with Deidara. Shimu smiled at their silliness, later Hidan walked passed by her, when Shimu saw him she looked down and walked to where Tobi. Hidan stood there watching her walk away ( in slow motion). Kisame put his arm around Hidan neck.

Kisame: You miss her, don’t you?

Hidan: Hm…

Shimu was dancing all night with Tobi, later Deidara danced with her, Tobi was in front of her but with distance and Deidara tried to get behind her but she didn’t let him, she just dance beside him. Hidan was trying to not be angry by just ignoring them.

Shimu: Itachi-sama!

The music was loud so they had to scream.

Itachi: Hm. *looks at Shimu*

Shimu: Dance with us!

Itachi: No.

Shimu grabbed his hand and took him to the dance floor, Tobi, Deidara and Shimu danced around him and he just stood there.

Tobi: Dance Itachi-sama!

Deidara: C’mon man, haven fun for once, un.

Itachi: No.

Shimu: Please!

Itachi looked at her with a face that said Are you really going to make me dance? But it worked, after a few drinks Itachi was now dancing.

Kisame: I knew that guy was alive some where on the inside… Hey Hidan let’s dance with Shimu.

Hidan: I’ll pass.

Kisame: Alright, don’t get mad if she ends up with me by the end of the night.

Hidan: Keep dreaming. She won’t go for a guy like you, I know her pretty we-…

Hidan shut up when he realize what he was saying and what he was about to say.

Kisame: Ahahahahaha. You like her and you miss her. Oh well is your loss. She is a beauty but I am the beast.

Hidan: Dick…

Kisame went up them and dance, he tried to dance with Shimu, but Shimu didn’t let him also, they just dance in a circle, giving each other turns to get in the middle and have a dance solo. A few moments later someone tap Shimu’s shoulder, when she turned around to see who it was, it was no other than Pein standing there with two shots.

Shimu: Hi! Where’s Konan!?

Pein: On a mission. Here.

Shimu: Thanks! But I don’t drink! But I guess I can give it a try, but just one!

What was one shot turned into 20 shots, Shimu was now drunk as hell but she was awarded of the guys getting close to her and she always pushed them away, except for Tobi because Tobi was dancing alone and singing, almost all of them were drunk except for Hidan, Hidan spent almost all the time at the bar sitting down giving them his back, but he wasn’t drinking or anything. Kisame went up to Hidan.

Kisame: Man your maid is wasted.

Hidan: WHAT!!!!!???

Kisame: Take a look for yourself.

Hidan stood up and went up to her, to see that Deidara was trying to get close to her and Shimu was pushing him away.

Hidan: Oi! Get away from her!

Shimu: Hidan-samaaaa!

Hidan looked at her and she jumped on him, holding on to his neck with all her weight of her body and on him.

Shimu: Dance with me Hidan-sama… You haven’t dance in all night. Please.

Hidan: What?! No, you’re drunk we’re leaving.

Shimu: Please!

Kisame: Dance with her man, she doesn’t want to dance with anyone else than you.

Hidan looked at Kisame with a face that said Are you serious?.

Hidan: Okay, one dance and then we leave.

Shimu: Fuck yeah!


One dance turned into a 4-hour dance or more, Shimu against the wall and Hidan in front of her, they were close, very close, bodies against bodies, rubbing each other private parts and bodies, the way they moved in sync was driving Hidan crazy, slowly, intense, passionate, hot-blooded, he just hold her close as possible. Hidan was sweating, he could feel sweat drops coming out his forehead running down his cheek to his chin and falling, breathing deeply, hard and fast and looking at her. Shimu was just dancing looking down and sometimes with her eyes closed, she finally looked at him and when she did she looked into his eyes Those blue eyes… Hidan thought. Hidan got closer and kept on dancing, slowly and sensual, the song was like that. The could felt their breaths getting faster and shorter. The way Shimu moved on Hidan made him go crazy, slowly, sensual, and the way Hidan moved on her made her go breathless, every time he moved forwards he pulled her closer to him and hold her, he grabbed on to her dress and pulled it back like if he wanted to rip it off, he grabbed on to the back of her neck and stroke her hair slowly and hard. Both of them could felt their hot breath mixing, Shimu could feel Hidan’s breath on her forehead, cheek and ear, when Hidan breathe on her ear that made her body tense and go more intense in the dancing, Hidan could feel Shimu’s breath on his neck, that also make Hidan go crazy and go more wild on her. They just danced staring at each other and at each others eyes.

Kisame, Deidara and Pein were staring at them.

When Shimu gets drunks she gets all blushy.

Kisame: That Hidan… Hahaha.

Deidara: The might do it tonight, un.

Kisame: Might? Oh they will, don’t you see they way they are moving and staring at each other? What I shame, I wanted her for me only.

Pein: I hope he uses a condom…

Pein heard a voice behing him.

Konan: Pein…

Pein turned around to see no other than Konan, wearing a short purple dress with black heals.

Pein: K- Konan…

Konan: Want to… Dance?

Pein: … Um… Okay.

Tobi had enough and fell asleep on a chair and Itachi did the same.

Hidan: Want to go back to the hideout?

Shimu: Only if I get to sleep with you and cuddle!

Hidan: Sure.

Shimu: And… If you give me that kiss that you owe me from last time!

Hidan eyes were widen open.

Hidan: We’ll see…

Hidan grabbed her hand and head out the disco. Shimu could barely stand up, she then took off her heals and started running in circles, Hidan just chuckled and stopped her by grabbing her arm, she looked at him, he then carry her bridal style, and they walked, Shimu couldn’t stop talking about random stuff, she then closed her eyes and took a pause and began to talk again.

Shimu: Tobi-kun…

*Sigh* This bitch is so drunk she thinks I’m Tobi. Well since Tobi is always carrying her she might think is him who is carrying her this time. Hidan thought. Hidan knew she was drunk so he went with it.

Hidan: Hm *still walking looking straight*

Shimu: I have a crush on someone from the hideout… But… I don’t think he might ever like me… and that makes me sad. I wish he would like me… And I think you know who it is, hehe.

Hidan wasn’t going to make a high pitch voice like Tobi’s, so he just waited for her to tell him.

Shimu: I’ll tell you Tobi-kun, but you can’t tell, okay? I’m going to make you guess better… He is tall… White… Pretty eyes…

Tall… Kisame and Pein are tall and so is Itachi well kind of. Pretty eyes? Um… Itachi maybe, but he is not that white and neither is Kisame, so… Pein then?... Hidan thought.

Shimu: *Giggles* He has silver hair… And pink-reddish-purple-ish eyes… I’m not sure what color they are really… He is so strong…

Hidan stopped and looked at her.

Shimu: Fine I’ll tell you his name… *long pause*

Fucking tell me already!!!! Hidan thought.

Shimu: Hidan-sama… I like… Hidan-sama…

She fucking likes me?! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! This can’t be happening! She has to be kidding around, why the hell would she like me?! I mean I fucking treat her like shit! But… I guess when people are drunk they say the truth. Hidan thought. At That moment Shimu opened her eyes to see no other than Hidan.

To be continued…

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