Sunday 31 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 22

Everytime we touch (acoustic) - Cascada

Akatsuiki Took Me In.

Chapter 22: Drama.

Shimu: You… What?...

Hidan: I…

What am I doing? Why can’t I stop? Hidan thought. Hidan leaned close to kiss Shimu, when Shimu notice she closed her eyes, Hidan notice when she closed her eyes so he did the same as well. Slowly getting closer to each other to kiss, Hidan holding her closer than ever, Shimu blushing with her hand on Hidan’s back holding him tight and close.  When they were about to kiss Hidan heard some foot steps, he then moved his head up to see who was there, making Shimu kiss his chin, when Shimu notices she backed off and looked at him, but even though Hidan was looking around he never let go off her even if she tried.

Shimu: Hidan… What is it?

Hidan: Shhh…

Hidan carry her bridal style and ran but not on the floor he ran on the walls, reaching to another hall way and they entered a small janitors room. Hidan put her down.

Hidan: I’ll be right back, don’t make a sound, okay?

Hidan slowly walked away, few seconds passed by and he ran to the room and close the door slowly without making any sound.

Shimu: What is i-…

Hidan put his hand on her mouth. They suddenly heard some foots steps walking by, it was one of the guys that worked for Pein. Hidan was looking at the door holding Shimu’s mouth, he then looked at her and saw he blue eyes shining in the dark.

Hidan: Shiyu… When you see that guy or any guy at this time just hide, okay? At least the guys with piercing work for Pein, they just walk around at night now, that’s something new, to check if someone sneaked in, so like I say, when you see that guy or any guy at this time just hide, okay?

Shimu looked at him and nodded in agreement.

Slowly the footsteps fade away. Hidan grabbed her hand and took her to her room, he entered with her closing the door behind him. When he looked at her she was just blushing a lot, Hidan got close to her, Shimu placed her hands on his chest, Hidan then pulled her close gently and slowly lift her up, wrapping her legs around his waist, he then place her against a wall, Shimu began to stoke his silver hair, he then began to stroke her thighs slowly. Are we going to?...  Shimu thought. I have no idea why am I doing this… But for some reason I can’t stop… Her eyes are… I have this feeling in my chest that is making me go crazy… And it’s making me do this… But… I can’t… No I can’t… I am just a killer and I treat her like shit… I like this feeling but I have no idea what it is… No… This can’t happen… But… It feels so right… But I wont… Hidan thought. Hidan slowly put her down and backed off, this made Shimu confused.

Shimu: Hidan…

Hidan: We shouldn’t have never done this.

Shimu felt her heartbreak in a million pieces to does words.

Shimu: Why… Did you do this to see if I was a whore?!

Hidan: No. I can’t do this… Not with you… You’re my-

Shimu: Maid…

Shimu slowly got down on her knees and began to cry silently.

Shimu: Please go… I need to be alone…

Hidan: Shiyu…

Shimu: Go!!! And my name is Shimu, damn it! Leave me alone!

Shimu got up and was going to slap him in the face once again, but Hidan saw that coming and grabbed her wrist.

Shimu: Let go of me, damn it!

Hidan pushed against the wall and got close to her.

Hidan: I… I can’t…

Hidan let go of her, he looked at her and saw her eyes gendering tears slowly.

Hidan: Don’t….

A tear fell from Shimu’s eyes, he then turned around and left closing the door behind him. He walked away slowly feeling a pain in his chest, he tried his best to ignore it but couldn’t. Why am I feeling this stupid pain in my chest? Damn it! *Sigh* I have no idea what happen or why I did that… I need to sleep it off… Hidan thought.

Shimu was left alone in her room drowning in her tears. Then slowly the door opened, when she looked up she saw that it was Deidara. Deidara saw her on the floor crying.

Deidara: Are you okay? Un. I heard some screaming and I saw Hidan walking to his room. Is everything oka-…

Deidara was cut off by Shimu hugging him and crying loud.

Shimu: Please don’t leave! I feel so lonely I need someone please Deidara-kun, stay with me!

Deidara stood there in shocked and slowly wrapped his arms around her.

Deidara: I’ll stay, un.

Hidan was walking slowly to his room. I feel like a total ass… Leaving her there crying… And I still have this pain in my chest, I feel like is pushing me to go back… Fuck! I’ll go to see how she’s doing. Hidan thought. Hidan then walked again to her room, to see that her door was open and heard her crying, he slowly stood up in front her door way and saw that she was on the ground giving her back to the door way so she didn’t know Hidan was there, while Deidara was hugging her facing the door, Deidara did saw Hidan, Deidara looked at him with a face that said Look what you’ve done. Deidara moved his head like if he was saying no to Hidan. Hidan looked at him and then at Shimu. Deidara decided to asked Shimu why was she crying so Hidan could heard her.

Deidara: Why are you crying? Un.

Shimu: Hi- Hidan-sama!

Hidan looked down, some how he couldn’t hold on any longer to the fact that she was there crying for him. Hidan stood back and walked away to his room. Why would she cry for me?… Hidan thought. Deidara stayed there with her till she fell asleep, he then left and went to his room.


Few weeks went by, Hidan didn’t gave Shimu any work and Shimu didn’t bother asking for any work either. Hidan and her didn’t even saw each other much, the only time he saw her was when she left her room to get something to eat and she didn’t even looked at him, she grabbed what she needed and head back to her room, Hidan just looked at her and looked down. She only talked to Deidara, Kisame sometimes when he was been creepy with her, Tobi and Itachi. Everyone else in the hideout started talking about what was going on and wondering what was happening.
One day Hidan stayed all the in his room, he just went down to eat and nothing else. Hidan heard a knock on his door he got up fast and opened it thinking it was Shimu, but it was no other than Kakuzu.

Hidan: What?

Kakuzu: We need to talk.

Hidan: About?

Kakuzu: You know about what, let me in.

Hidan let him in and then Kakuzu began to talk.

Kakuzu: What the hell is going on with you and Shimu?

Hidan: Nothing.

Kakuzu: You really expect me to believe that?

Hidan: I expect you to leave me the fuck alone.

Kakuzu: You asked for it.

Kakuzu got up and left.

Hidan: Freak…

Kakuzu went up to Tobi to talk to him.

Kakuzu: Hey, Tobi.

Tobi: Huh? Kakuzu talking to me?

Kakuzu: Yeah… Hey isn’t your birthday in a couple of days?

Tobi: Yes!!!! And I’m going to have a surprise party!! Well it’s not a surprise but I don’t know what’s going to happen so I guess it’s still a surprise!

Kakuzu: Is Shimu going?

Tobi: Yeah!

Kakuzu: Is Hidan invited to that?

Tobi: I talked to him but he said no.

Kakuzu: Do me a favor. Tell Shimu to invite him and if he says no tell her to tell him to go cause she is going, okay?

Tobi: Um… Okay.

Later than night around 12:30am Tobi went to Shimu’s room and told her to go an invite Hidan, Shimu at first refuse and but Tobi someone how convince her. Shimu was wearing a big nightshirt that reached to her thighs, and under that she was wearing short pants. Shimu walked to Hidan’s room, as she was getting closer and closer she felt her heart racing faster and faster, she could hear her own heart beat and she thought her heart was going to come out her throat. When she was in front of Hidan’s room she took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Hidan: It’s open…

Shimu slowly opened the door, Hidan had his back facing the door so he didn’t who was there. Hidan was lying in his bed with some short boxers and shirtless, Shimu could see his big muscles. He then turned around to see who was there, when he saw her he got up on his knees and stood like that on his bed, they both stared at each other, Hidan looked at her blue eyes, her night shirt and her thighs, Shimu notice he was checking her out, she pulled she night shirt down to cover her thighs, Hidan looked at her when she did this, he saw that she was blushing and looking down. Hidan got off his bed and walked towards her, when he was in front of her they just stood there. Shimu then decided to break the silence.

Shimu: Tobi told me to invite you to his surprise party…

Hidan: I already told him I wasn’t going.

Shimu: He told me you would say that, so he told me to tell you also that I am going talso and… that you should go cause I am going…

Hidan: …Stupid kid.

Shimu: Good night, Hidan-sama…

Shimu walked away, as she walked away Hidan stood out side his room checking her out while she walked away. Damn… *Sigh* Sure I’ll go…

To be continued…

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