Sunday 31 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 18

Akatsuki Took Me In.

Chapter 18: Suicide.

As Hidan made his way to his room, he was walking looking down, then someone stood up in front of him, Hidan looked up to see Pein.

Pein: What were you doing in Shimu’s room at this time?

Hidan: Just talking.

Pein: Is that what they call it now a days?

Hidan looked at Pein with a confused look.

Hidan: What do you mean by that?

Pein: *Sigh* Here.

Pein hand Hidan a condom.

Hidan: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!!!????

Pein: I don’t want any baby’s here, so take it and don’t to anything stupid.


Pein: Then why did I hear her making some weird noises?

Hidan: She was crying!!!!!

Pein: Oh so you were comforting here?

Hidan: What!? NO! Why were you even spying on us!?

Pein: …Take it anyways you will never know when you will need it.

Hidan snatch the condom away from Pein hands.

Hidan: Whatever.

The next morning Shimu woke up in her bed, she realize she fell asleep while she was with Tobi. She started to remember what had happened last night with Hidan. Why did he get so close to me? And why when I backed off he told me in place? He was just staring into my eyes… Whatever he must have been sleepy so he wasn’t thinking straight. *Sigh* I better get ready, Hidan told me I got stuff to do. Shimu thought. She then got up and got ready. Shimu went to Hidan’s room and knocked on the door. Hidan talked to her from the inside of his room while she was out side.

Hidan: What?

Shimu: It’s me… What did you wanted to me do today?

Hidan: Wait for me down stairs.

Shimu went down the stairs and head on to the living room to see no other than Itachi sitting on the couch, when he notice she was there she just stared at her, Shimu didn’t bother to talk to him to she kept on walking to the kitchen.

Itachi: No good mornings?

Shimu: Good moring *fake smile, keep’s on walking*

Itachi: Hm.

Shimu waited few more minutes for Hidan. Few minutes later Hidan got there with Kakuzu.

Hidan: Alright Shiyu let’s go.

Shimu: Where are we going? Don’t you usually give a list?

Hidan: This time you might need some help.

Hidan, Kakuzu and Shimu left the hideout, Hidan talked about his religion once again and Kakuzu could careless about what Hidan was talking about. Shimu had no idea were they were heading, she just didn’t question them and followed them in silence. When they finally arrived to their destination, it was just a small house. Kakuzu knocked on the door and an old man greeted them and let them in. Shimu didn’t spoke a word she felt that if she talked she would get in trouble, plus thought’s of what she spoke to Hidan last night pop out to her head so she was feeling kind of down and depressed. Few moments later the old man came out.

Old man: Okay everything is ready.

Hidan: About time, where is it?

Old man: The next room to your right.

Hidan and Kakuzu went to the room and later came out with boxes, Hidan was carrying me three and Kakuzu two.
Hidan: Take this one, is the less heavier.

Shimu grabbed the box, for it was heavy but just a little bit nothing she couldn’t handle, Kakuzu gave the old man some money, Kakuzu looked in pain as he gave the old man the money. They soon left the house and head back to the hideout. Shimu was dying to know what was in the box like a little girl.

Shimu: Um… So what’s in these boxes?

Hidan: Weapons.

Shimu: Oh okay…

They kept on walking, Hidan and Kakuzu in front and Shimu in the back, she was getting slower, the box was now getting heavy. Hidan looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

Hidan: Let’s take a break.

Kakuzu: We’re almost there.

Hidan: Yeah but I want to take a break.

Kakuzu: *Sigh* Fine.

They sat the boxes down and tooked a break. Since Shimu wasn’t feeling well cause of her memories she sat down away from Hidan and Kakuzu. Hidan wasn’t paying attention to Shimu, he just laid down against a tree and rest there for a little bit.

Kakuzu: What’s wrong with her?

Hidan looked over to Shimu to see that she was sitting down, and looking down to her hands. Hidan then looked back a Kakuzu.

Hidan: Not my problem.

Kakuzu: Sure it isn’t… Where did she go?

Hidan: What do you me-

Hidan was interrupted by a voice coming from behind both Kakuzu and Hidan.

Looking for this beauty?

Hidan and Kakuzu stood up fast facing the guy, but it wasn’t only one guy there were three of them. Hidan chuckled.
Hidan: Big mistake messing with us.

We don’t want any trouble, just your weapons or this beauty right here.

Hidan: Take the weapons then.

Kakuzu: Fuck no Hidan, that’s my money right there.

Hidan: Well you heard him, give us back the girl now.

Why should we? *Licks Shimu’s cheek*

Shimu: Gross!

Hidan: Oi! You fucking pig, leave her alone!

Kakuzu: Here we go. Let them have her.

Hidan: Fuck no, she is my maid!

Not anymore.

The guy turned Shimu’s head and was about to kissed her, Hidan was about to take out his sword but just before Hidan did and just before the guy was about to kissed her Shimu screamed at the guy.

Shimu: You pig! Get away from me!

Shimu puched him right in the face making him let go of her and fall down to the ground. Shimu broke his nose. She then ran over Hidan and hide behind him.

Kakuzu: Nice punch.

Shimu: Shut up, you wanted to leave me.

Kakuzu: Hm.

You bitch…

Shimu: Fuck you.

Hidan: Since when you talk like that?

Shimu: So-… Sorry Hidan-sama…

The guy command the other two guys that were with to him attack Kakuzu, Kakuzu ran to the forest to take care of them. The other guy wanted to fight Hidan.

Hidan: Back off Shiyu… You will see me fight today.

Hidan took off his sword and ran towards the guy, the guy wasn’t really good at fighting he just dodge every attack. Hidan was getting angrier by the second, Shimu just wanted this to end to she created a distraction.

Shimu: Hey, over here!

When the guy looked at her Hidan scratch the guy’s cheek making blood come out of it.

Hidan: Fuck yeah!

Fuck yeah? What do you mean fuck yeah, you didn’t do shit! Shimu thought.

Hidan: Shiyu baby *Takes out a retractable spear from his coat Stabs himself with the spear* Get ready to see the work of my God! Hahahahahahaha!

Hidan appearance change, he had like Grim Reaper-like appearance, with black skin and white bone-like markings. He then leaned down making a circle with a triangle inside the circle with his blood.

Hidan: Ready to see this, baby? *stabs himself with the spear on his waist* Aaahh! I love this feeling!

Shimu notices that the wound Hidan gave himself he other guy felt it and had it too and that the guy was bleeding. He is like… a living voodoo doll. Shimu thought.


Hidan: Yeah hurts good doesn't it? Attacking the vitals is such a waste! This pain, this is the best! As the other dies, their agony radiates through my body! And living through it feels even better! Yeah! Take this you dick!

Hidan stabs himself again on the legs, arms, feet’s, ear, tongue, lip’s, while taking obvious pleasure in their shared pain. Shimu couldn’t think straight of what was going on. How is this even possible, Hidan… you are a worst masochist than I am. Shimu thought. Hidan was just there laughing like a crazy person, while the other guy was lying on the floor almost dead. Moment’s later Kakuzu arrived.

Kakuzu: Hurry up, Hidan.

Hidan: Shut up! I’m enjoying this, besides I want Shiyu to see how I kill people. Hahahaha. Hey Shiyu, tell your ex not to mess with me ahahahahaha. Now… For the final kill.

Hidan stabbed himself in the heart, making the other guy scream and die. Shimu was in shocked.

Hidan: Now… To praise my God.

Out of no where one other the other guys appeared out of no where and punched Shimu in the face making her fly to the end of a cliff, Hidan followed her making him fall also but he held on to the edged, they were just haging there, Hidan holding to the edge and Shimu holding on to Hidan. Soon the other guy came and step on Hidan’s hand’s trying to make him let go to they could fall, if they did fall it they were going to die for sure, well at least Shimu, they were in a really high up place and below the cliff were just trees, but very low, so the impact will kill her, Hidan would be alive. Out of nowhere Kakuzu appeared and twisted the guy’s neck and killed him.

Hidan: I thought you killed him!

Kakuzu: He’s dead now.

Hidan was holding on to Shimu’s arm and so did Shimu to him. But then the memories slowly came back and she got more depressed than ever. I need to end my suffering here… Shimu thought. Shimu slowly started to let go of Hidan’s arm. Hidan notice.

Hidan: Oi! You idiot if you want to live you better hold on! Kakuzu pull me up.

Kakuzu: Hold on man, you’re strong hang in there, let me check the other guy. *Kakuzu left*

Shimu looked at Hidan’s eyes. Why does she looks at me like that!? Hidan thought.

Hidan: Fucking stop looking at me like that and hold on!

Shimu put all of her weight on her body so she could be heavier and slowly started to slip away from Hidan’s hand.

Hidan: Oi!!!!

Shimu: Hidan-sama… Arigato…

Shimu slip away and fell.

Hidan: Shiyu, no!!! Fuck!!!

To be continue

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