Saturday 30 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 7

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 7: One last breath.

Shimu slowly turned around to face Hayato, she didn’t even had the time to look at him by the time she was turning around she was already against a wall with Hayato’s hand on her neck. Shimu tried her best to push him way but when she did Hayato grabbed her hands with the free hand he had and place her hands on top of her head.

Hayato: Now what Amaya?

Shimu: Since… When… You call me… A-Amaya?

She said breathless.

Hayato: I don’t own you any explanations. *Hayato squeezed her neck tighter* Don’t you remember why I use to beat you up? Cause you didn’t obey me, and now what? You grew a pair and all of a sudden you are a member of the Akatsuki.

Shimu: I… I am no member. They just took me in.

Hayato: Really? They just took you in like that? Yeah right.

Shimu: Hayato… just let me go.

Hayato just squeezed her neck tighter, Shimu tighten her eyes on the pain, he then let go of her hands that were on top of her head, to slowly lift her up the floor by her neck, Shimu’s feet’s started moving around as she grabbed the hand that was squeezing more on her neck by every second that passed by.

*Where Hidan and Kakuzu are*

Kakuzu: What’s taking her so long?

Hidan: Let her take her time. As long and her idiot boyfriend is not here she will be fine.

Kakuzu looked at Hidan shocked that he wasn’t impatient about leaving, he chuckle.

Kakuzu: Her puppy eyes really did worked on you.

Hidan: What!? No they didn’t! I just did that so she will stop been a baby! Stop fucking around, Kakuzu! When she comes back out I’ll treat her the same way I treat everyone!

Kakuzu: Right…

Hidan: I will!

The fuck is his problem? I just did that to make her stop crying so she stopped been such a baby! Hidan thought.

*Where Shimu is*

Shimu: Hayato…

Hayato let go of her neck, making her fall to the floor. Shimu just sat with her head facing down, a hand on the floor to support her so she wont fall down and the other hand on her neck, there she sat for a few seconds trying to catch her breath. Hayato chuckle and grabbed a kunai from his pocket.

Shimu: Don’t!

Hayato: Who’s going to stop me? That’s right, no one.

Hayato ran towards Shimu at full speed, there was just no way Shimu could dodge his attack. She didn’t know what to do, she can’t dodge the attack, and even if she tried to stop him it wouldn’t work, he was just too fast. I am not gonna die on his hands… I can’t die now, a new life just started for me, yeah it might not be the best life, but at least this new life is not with him… I must try. There was nothing to do but just, scream for help. Shimu closed her eyes and screamed at the top of her lungs.

Shimu: HIDAN-SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it was just too late…

Hidan: What was that?!

Kakuzu: Who else you idiot?

Hidan: Come on!

Kakuzu: I’ll pass.

Hidan: Fuck you man!

Hidan ran inside the house looking from where the scream came from. Fuck! Can this house be any bigger? Hidan thought, he then realizes he was inside the house looking for Shimu, he stop running to think. Why am I even bothering to save her ass? We should just leave her, she must be dead by now. No wait I need to check… Why the fuck!? Cause… She is my fucking maid, that’s why, it’s not like I am going to do my chores when someone else can do them from me, yeah that’s it. He then remembers the room where he gave her the box she forgot at the hideout, he ran to the room to see no other than Hayato with a kunai stuck in Shimu’s waist.

Hayato: You were able to dodge…

Shimu looked at him with deadly eyes saying If I could kill you I fucking would. Hayato chuckle when he noticed the way she was staring at him.

Hayato: No matter.

Hayato takes out another kunai, and waves it around the air.

Hayato: Always have back up. I knew you were going to find a way for dodge my attack but at the end you couldn’t really. *pause* Weird… Last time I saw you, you were going to let yourself get killed, and all of a sudden now you want to live?

Hayato leans down in front of Shimu grabbing her face squeezing her cheeks, and moving her face left and right like if she was saying no.

Hayato: Tell me… What made you change your mind?

Hidan: Oi!

Hayato looked to his left to see Hidan standing on the doorway, both staring at each other with a looked that they knew they wanted to kill each other.

To be continued…

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