Saturday 30 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 10

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 10: Feelings? Not so sure.

Hidan looked at Shimu, his angry face fade away when he looked at her, he now had a kind of calm face.

Hidan: What is it? Do you need something?

Kakuzu: Take it easy Hidan…

Hidan: I am taking it easy!

Shimu just looked at Hidan. I can’t believe he saved me… even if it Is cause he doesn’t want to do his work, he saved me… he took me here so I wouldn’t die… Shimu thought as she was staring at his pink eyes, his serious face, his silver hair, and muscular chest.

Hidan: What is it?

Shimu grabbed Hidan’s hand and looked at him.

Shimu: Thank you.

Tobi: aaaaawwwww, sempai!!!!!!

Kakuzu: Let’s go Tobi.

Tobi: What?! Why?!

Shimu chuckle.

Shimu: You don’t have to leave, I’m going to sleep now, so you may stay.

Tobi: Ha! *Tobi points at Kakuzu face*

Kakuzu looked at Tobi with I will kill you face. Tobi screamed and stood at the other side of the bed.

Shimu: I think we should all get some rest…

Shimu looked at Hidan and realize she was still holding his hand, she then told him with a finger to come closer, he obey, when he did Shimu whispered Can I hold on to you hand till I fall asleep, it might sound stupid but I feel… safe…

Hidan: What is wrong with-…
As Hidan said this he then looked at her blue shiny eyes, she was staring back at him not caring if the answer was a yes or a no. What should I do? This two other motherfuckers are fighting and Shiyu is staring at me waiting for an answer and acting like a baby… *sigh* Fuck it. Hidan thought.

Hidan: Okay.

Shimu: Good night Hidan-sama.

Hidan: Hm…

The next day.

It was a bright sunny morning, birds could be heard from the outside to the inside of Shimu’s room. Inside Shimu’s room there was Tobi sleeping on the floor, Kakuzu sleeping on a chair and Hidan sleeping on a chair with his head laid down on the bed besides Shimu, Shimu was still sleeping.

Few minutes later Kakuzu woke up, he looked at Tobi sleeping on the floor Stupid Kid… He thought. He then looked at Hidan sleeping, resting his head on the bed, Kakuzu couldn’t help but to notice Shimu and Hidan were still holding hands Are you serious? This idiot better not be-... Kakuzu thoughts were cut off by a childish voice.

Tobi: Good morning!

Kakuzu: Shut up.

Tobi: Why you have to be so mean to Tobi?

Kakuzu: You idiot you are Tobi.

Tobi: Yes, and Tobi is a good boy.

Kakuzu: *Sigh*

Tobi: Kakuzu, Kakuzu! Look at Hidan-sama and Shimu-chan!

Kakuzu: Yeah… I see it. Tobi. What do you think of all this? You know Hidan and Shimu?

Tobi: Huh? Oh well… I don’t know. I like Shimu she is really nice to me. And Hidan well… he scares me.

Kakuzu: Yeah… I think Hidan and me are going to have a little talk.
Tobi: Why?

Kakuzu: I don’t know if he is having… A thing for her. I don’t think he would care for someone as much as he’s caring for her.

Hidan was still with his head on Shimu’s bed, but his face was facing another direction so there was no way Tobi or Kakuzu could see his face, just his silver hair. What they didn’t know was that Hidan was awake, he was with his eyes open listening to what they were talking about.

Tobi: Well… I guess you may ask him what is up. But don’t be so mean to Hidan, I mean if he likes her let it be.

Hidan: I don’t fucking like her. *Hidan lift his head up* If you have something to say, say it to my face now. I don’t like this low life. I will only say this once, I am here cause she is the only one that will do the work I don’t want to do, and so far, she likes it cause she doesn’t want to leave. So stop fucking around with the stupid fact that I like her, when I don’t like anyone.

Kakuzu just sat there quietly, he then looked down and chuckle.

Kakuzu: Let go of her hand.

Hidan’s eyes widen and he looked down to see he was still holding her hand.

Kakuzu: You better not be developing feelings for this girl, have you forgotten your duty? Kill. You are not here to fall in love, if you want something with her do the same as you do with all the girls, use them and sleep with them. You say you don’t like her… weird cause by this time if she were to be another girl you guys would already fucked or you might raped her, and you haven’t even thought about that, have you? Let go of her hand.

Hidan clenched his teeth then slowly let go of Shimu’s hand while looking away.

Hidan: Happy?

5 more days went by (Hidan was able to get a shirt by this time) Shimu was ready to leave to hospital, she was able to walk better and move around without any help thank to Tobi that helped her. Kakuzu wanted to leave to the hideout but Hidan didn’t let him, he didn’t wanted to be left there with Tobi. Shimu was wondering why Hidan was a little distant from her but she didn’t care, she was getting kind of use to Hidan acting like this Maybe he is bipolar? Shimu thought.

Doctor: Well I am glad you feeling better, thanks to your friend here-…

Tobi: Tobi!

Doctor: Yeah. Well I suggest you get a little bit of rest just for 3 more days, okay?

Shimu: Thank you so much.

Hidan: It about time they let you go.

Shimu: Hehe… yeah…

As Kakuzu, Tobi, Hidan and Shimu were about to step outside of the hospital, the day when to bright and sunny to gray and rainy. It started to rain really hard.

Hidan: Are you kidding me?!

Tobi: Tobi loves the rain! C’mon Shimu!

Tobi grabbed Shimu’s hand to take her to run around the rain, when he grabbed her he pull her a bit to hard and that made Shimu scream in pain cause of her wound and made her fall to the ground.

Hidan: Oi! You idiot be more careful!

Kakuzu, Shimu and Tobi looked at Hidan in shocked. Hidan leaned down and helped Shimu get up and walked over Tobi.

Hidan: Listen kid, I am tired of your childish games, why don’t you do yourself a favor and grow up!

Shimu: Hidan… It was just an accident I am fine.

Hidan turned around and walked over Shimu, Shimu started to walk backwards until she was against a wall.

Hidan: Do I look like I care if you are fine? I sick and tired of you been so weak, Kakuzu getting in my business and Tobi been a stupid Kid. I am leaving.

Hidan walked away in the rain.

Kakuzu: Tobi stay with her till the rain stops, I am going to go ahead.

Kakuzu left following Hidan. Shimu sigh then looked at Tobi looking down at the floor, he for sure was upset to what Hidan told him. Shimu walked over Tobi and tap his shoulder.

Shimu: Don’t be sad Tobi, it was just an accident you don’t need to feel bad or be sorry, okay? Now let’s go inside and wait till the rain passes okay?

Tobi: Okay… Thank you.

Shimu smiled and hugged him then let go.

Shimu: C’mon… Tobi is a good boy, right?

Tobi: Heck yes I am!

Shimu: Haha I thought so!

They head inside the hospital again waiting for the rain to pass.

To be continued…

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