Sunday 31 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 17

Akatsuki Took Me In.

Chapter 17: Remembering / A talk mixed with feelings.

Shimu obey to what Hidan told her to do, she went straight to her room, she then sat down at the little balcony her room had, that was her favorite part of her room, she could sit there for hours and relax just looking outside to the woods and river. That night was beautiful for Shimu, it had a huge full moon, and the reflection of the moon on the river was also an amazing thing for her to watch. Shimu waited for Hidan, hours past by and he still wasn’t there it was around 12:30 am already. Where is he?! *sigh*… Shimu thought. Hours past by again and it was 2:00am now, Shimu fell asleep in her balcony, with her head lying on the wall behind her.

*In her Dream*

Shimu’s Dad: Don’t forget your goal.

Shimu’s Mom: If you don’t eat you won’t accomplish you goal Shimu, you need to be strong.
Shimu: Who are you?
Hayato: It doesn’t matter. I will stay with you until the time comes.
Shimu: What time?
Hayato: Don’t worry about it.
Shimu: Dad!
*Back door slam* Shimu was going to run where the back door way
Shimu’s Dad: *Dying* Don’t Shimu…
*Shimu looked at her dad*
Shimu’s Dad: *Dying* Don’t… forget… your goal… Amaya… Shimu… Wear your mother’s name high up…
Shimu: Dad, No!
Shimu’s Mother: *Dying* Come here… Don’t forget to eat your food… Amaya… Shimu… Wear your father’s last name… High up…
Shimu’s parents both together: Accomplish your goal and never give up…
Shimu: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hayato: I don’t care about her, I want her out of my life for good, she is the most annoying, irritating, loser, pathetic person in the world. No person like this should have the right to be alive, I want to be the only one to take her life away and sent her to hell with her parents.

Hidan: Lowlife.

Pein: She better not get in the way or I’ll finish her.

Kakuzu: Leave Hidan alone.

*Out side her dream*

Hidan: Oi, you awake?

Shimu jumped and sat down, tears went down her face, when she realize this she cleaned her eyes and face fast. Crap… He saw that I was crying… Shimu thought.

Hidan: Why are you crying?

Shimu: Nothing… Just a bad dream that’s all…

Hidan: Hm…

Shimu: What you wanted to talked about Hidan-sama?

Hidan: *sits down* Sit.

Shimu sat down. There was a moment of silence.

Hidan: I want to know what Kakuzu told you the day I was sick.

Shimu: I already told yo-…

Hidan: You didn’t tell me everything, so tell me.

Shimu: *Sigh* To stop distracting you, to do my work as a maid and when I am done to leave you alone.

Hidan: Okay.

Shimu: That’s it? I mean is that all you wanted to talk about?

Hidan: No. What happen to your parents? Looks like something bad for what Hayato said.

You remember his name perfectly but you can’t remember mine!?!?!?! Shimu thought.

Shimu: *Sigh* They were killed. I was at the academy… and… when I got home… I saw them on the living room… *Shimu sigh about to cry* Covered in blood… I didn’t see anyone, I just heard a loud slam from the back door of the house, when I was going to chase them my dad stopped me… and they say their last words…

Hidan: I see.

Shimu: I will never forget that image… If I could just been there I would of-

Hidan: Been dead too. You were a kid, do you think you could actually beat who ever did that?

Shimu: No… But at least see he or her face.

Hidan: That wouldn’t solve anything, you aren’t strong eno-…

Shimu hold Hidan’s arm, this made Hidan look at her, she was looking down crying silently.

Shimu: I know I am weak and a lowlife, you don’t need to remind me… If you are wondering also why I stay there with Hayato is because everything was different. I don’t even remember how we met he just came up to me and told me he will stay with me till the time comes, I had no idea what he meant by that, I asked him but he didn’t told me. Maybe been here makes me a masochist for the way everyone treats me… So maybe I’m a masochist… I try to run… but… I don’t want to ever leave…

Shimu squeeze Hidan’s arm a bit tighter letting out more tears, Hidan just looked at her crying and breathing deeply.

Shimu: I don’t want to go back to what I live…

Hidan: *Sigh* Stop crying… And if you tell yourself you are weak and a lowlife well you will end up believing it, it doesn’t matter what other dick head’s say.

Shimu slowly wrapped her arms around Hidan’s neck.

Hidan: Oi, oi! What are you doi-…

Hidan stopped talking as he felt Shimu hugging him, he could also feel her tears going down his shoulders.

Hidan: Shiyu… You can’t be like this all the time.

Shimu separate from Hidan and looked at him in the eyes.

Shimu: Thank you…

Damn it girl stop crying! Such a baby! And fuck! Stop looking at me like that! Makes me what to… To… K… Hidan Thought. He then slowly got close to Shimu. Shimu backed off a little, Hidan hold her arms in place.

Hidan: Fucking stay still!

Shimu looked at him, he then looked at her back. What the fuck am I doing, she is my fucking maid! Hidan thought. Hidan stood up fast and went back to his normal mean self.

Hidan: Go to sleep Shiyu… Tomorrow you had stuff to do for me.

He then walked away and closed the door. Out side Shimu’s room Hidan stood there with his head against Shimu’s door. He then sigh What was that… I’m just tired… Hidan thought and walked away to his room. Shimu was left alone in her balcony she then looked outside again to the river and woods, out of no where Tobi appeared, he was standing upside down from the roof of her balcony, making Shimu gasp and fall to the floor. Tobi got down and sat beside her.

Tobi: You can have my shoulder to cry Sis.

Shimu looked at him with water in her again, she then smiled.

Shimu: Thank you Tobi…

She laid her head on Tobi’s shoulder and tears went down her face.

To be continued…

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