Saturday 30 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 9

Akatsuki took me in.

Chaper 9: Decisions.

Hidan stood in front of Shimu watching her slowly die, loosing a lot of blood. Shimu slowly laid on back on the floor with her eyes closed, breathing deeply and crying with the fact that she was going to die, that she was going to be left there and bleed herself to death, when she didn’t wanted to, she just wanted to be healed and be back at the hideout. Shimu then heard a voice that made her open her eyes.

Hidan: Oi…

Shimu just looked up to see Hidan, as he looked at her with a plain look on his face. He then leaned down beside her trying to move her a little.

Shimu: That hurts!

Hidan: *Sigh* Just stay still! …On the count of three I am going to pick you up okay? So take a deep breath cause this might hurt.

Shimu nooded and took at the breath when he count to number two.

Hidan: One… two… three!

Hidan picked her up fast, this made Shimu whine a little bit and tighten her eyes. Hidan picked her up bridal style trying not to move her as much.

Hidan: Just try to hold in the blood till we get to the hideout. Don’t get your hopes up… you might die.

Shimu nooded, she then hold on to the wound to try to make the bleeding stop. Hidan carefully walked out of the room to head outside where Kakuzu was waiting for him.  Kakuzu didn’t say anything, he kind of knew Hidan was going to take her with him anyways.

Kakuzu: Shall we keep going?

Hidan: Yeah.

Kakuzu: I am not going to be running, so you might want to go ahead, cause I wont keep up with you.

Hidan: Shut up and hurry the fu-

Hidan was cut off by Shimu coughing, when Hidan and Kakuzu looked at her she was coughing blood, and a lot of it. With every cough she did tears run down her face.

Hidan: Fuck!

Kakuzu: Go to the hospital. I’ll go to the hideout, maybe I’ll meet you there later.

Why am I caring so much!? Fuck! If she keeps up like this she will die in no time. But I will look like a total fool leaving Kakuzu here to go the hospital. Fuck it… Again, I am doing this cause she is my maid and I won’t be doing anything I don’t want to do. Hidan thought.

Hidan left without saying a word, as he jumped through the trees the started to take off his Akatsuki coat, leaving himself shirtless. If someone saw him with the Akatsuki coat everyone would just run away. He took a look at Shimu to see her with her eyes close.

Hidan: Oi!

Shimu: Hm…

Hidan: If you don’t want to fucking die you better stay awake.

Shimu: Right…

Hidan arrived to the hospital, when he entered he had his chest and stomach cover with Shimu’s blood. When the nurses saw this they rush over him fast, they took Shimu away from him and now all he could do was wait.

Hours went by, in that time Hidan went to the bathroom to wash away the blood on his body but it didn’t came out completely, he didn’t care anymore and left it like that. It was 3:00am and still no word from Shimu. One thing for sure Hidan was now getting impatient, he was sweaty and still covered in blood. Some random girl came up to Hidan with a wet towel.

Hey… Let me clean your chest and take off all of that nasty blood, baby.

Hidan: I’ll do it myself.

Hidan said with a serious angry looked on his face and snatch the towel away from her hands, he then began to rubbed the towel on his muscular chest.

You are very strong… Is that your girlfriend? The girl that was almost dying? Or who knows if she is dead now.

Hidan: No.

Oh… Do you want a girlfriend… or just a fun time?

Hidan: Would you fuck off?


30 minutes went by. There was no one at the hospital just a few nurses. Hidan fell asleep on the chair he was sitting on, he then was waken up by a voice.


Hidan opened his eyes to see it was the doctor. He then stood up slowly waiting for him to tell him how Shimu was. He would probably tell me that she lost a lot of blood and died. Hidan thought.

Doctor: Well… Shimu did make it.

Hidan opened her eyes confused I thought she was going to die for sure. Hidan thought.

Doctor: But she is still really weak from all the blood lost, she might have to stay here for a few more days.

Hidan: No problem… Can… Can I see her?

Doctor: Sure thing, please follow me.

Hidan followed the doctor to a small room. White lights, it was cold, a little nightstand and a small bathroom, in the middle of the room there was a bed with Shimu in it, and not forgetting the serum fill up with blood that was giving her the blood the had already lost.

Doctor: I will leave you two alone excuse me.

*Door closes*

Hidan walked beside the bed and sat down on a chair beside the bed. He then looked at Shimu, Hidan got up and removed her blankets to see her wound, it was a pretty deep wound but nothing special for him, he has had worst wounds, besides he literally has to kill himself to kill other people. He put the blankets on her again and sat down.

Why am I here?... He tought.

Kakuzu: How is she?

Hidan: Mother Fu-

Tobi: Don’t scream! You might wake her up!

Hidan: Why did you bring him?

Kakuzu: I didn’t, he followed me.

Tobi: I got worried when you and Shimu didn’t come back. Then I saw Kakuzu leave again so I followed him, and here I am!

Hidan: Leave.

Tobi: What?! No! Please let me stay! Please please please please please please please please please please please please please!

Hidan: Fine! Just shut the fuck up!

Shimu: Hidan- sama…

To be continued…

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