Friday 29 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 4

Akatsuki took me in.
Chapter 4: Back to the hideout.

The kunai flew to through the air perfectly aiming at Shimu. Shimu didn’t bother looking, she knew what was coming, her death, the only thing she did was relax her body, take one last deep breath and take her death as the thought that she deserve it, because she thought she was nothing.

Time past slow, Hayato throw the kunai and as the kunai was heading towards her his eyes didn’t stop staring at her, he wanted to see her die. Hayato had a really good shot so it was really hard for him to miss.

A tear dripped down Shimu’s cheek. Mom… Dad… Here I come…

A sound was heard, it was the kunai. But it didn’t hit Shimu. Shimu opened her eyes to see a black ripped coat floating in the air in front of her, the coat slowing going down, Hayato was with his eyes wide open, it was no other than Hidan. Did he follow me here, but why? Did he wanted to make sure I was okay? She thought.

Hidan: Oi! You forgot the damn box Konan gave you.

*Hidan throws the box at her*

Shimu: Hi- Hid-Hi…

Hidan: Why are you stuttering so damn much?

Shimu couldn’t get her words together, she was so surprise that Hidan was there.

Hidan: Oi! I am talking to yo-… Why do I feel something in my back?

Hidan put his hand on his back and pull out the kunai The fuck? He thought, he slowly turned around facing Hayato. Hayato was scared shitless just because the fact an Akatsuki member was in his house. Hidan just chuckle at the face Hayato was making.

Hidan: What’s the matter? It looks like you was a freaking ghost.

Hayato: Wh- What are you doing here?!

Hidan: Are you deaf? I came here to give her something. If I didn’t I had to do some work and I am not up for that kind of sh-

Hayato: Stay away from Shimu!

Shimu open her eyes in shocked hearing Hayato say such thing. Hidan looked a Hayato with a sarcastic confused look.

Hayato: I am the only one that can put a hand on her and do the fuck I want.

Hidan: If you care so much why you beat her up? Why were you about to kill her?

Hayato: I don’t care about her, I want her out of my life for good, she is the most annoying, irritating, loser, pathetic person in the world. No person like this should have the right to be alive, I want to be the only one to take her life away and sent her to hell with her parents, I don’t want a damn lame akatsuki member to kill her just for fun, I have my reasons to kill her.

Shimu just looked down when he say does words, he didn’t care at all. Hidan grabbed his neck and throw him against the wall, Hidan grabbed his neck again lifting him up in the air.

Hidan: You want to see how lame I am? When I am done with you, you’ll see how lame I really am.

Hayato: You… can’t… kill me that… easily… I am an ambu…

Hidan: Do I look like I give a fuck about who the hell you are? And I am like a God.

Hayato couldn’t breathe any longer that he past out and fell straight to the ground. Hidan chuckle and turned around facing Shimu.

Hidan: Put whatever is the in box on your eye…

Shimu: Hi-… Hidan…sa…ma…

Hidan saw Shimu closing her eyes and falling to the ground, the last thing she saw in a blurry way was hidan yelling at her.

Hidan: Oi! Oi! Shiyu! Are you fucking kidding me?!


Shimu slowly opened her eyes, she was lying down on a bed, but she knew for sure it wasn’t hers. She moved her head to her right seen nothing important, just a window, she looked to her left to see the childish boy the saw with a mask, this make her sit down fast and gasped.

Shimu: *gasp* Ouch my head!

Tobi: You are finally up! Hi, I am Tobi and Tobi is a good boy!
Shimu: Um… Where am I? I mean… Hi… Where am I?

Tobi: You’re at the hide out, silly head!

Shimu blushed at the embarrassment, of course she was in the hide out, where else would she be with this weird guy? Did Hidan brought me here? She thought.

Tobi: Hehe… What’s your name lady?

Shimu: Hidan… No! I mean… Shimu! Not Hidan! Sorry…

Tobi: Haha I am Tobi!

Shimu: I… know…

Tobi: And Tobi is a good boy.

Shimu: Sure you are Tobi, and don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not.

Tobi jumped around and left the room slamming the door behind him.

Shimu: What was that…?

*Door opens*

To be continued…

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