Friday 29 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 6

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 6: Going Backwards

Shimu took off to meet with Hidan at the waterfall where they first met. When she got there Hidan was walking in circles apparently waiting for her and Kakuzu was sitting down counting some money. Both wearing the akatsuki coat.

Hidan: Oi! What took you so long Shiyu?

Shimu: I was… doing the things on your list Hidan-sama.

Hidan: Well you are so damn slow!

Kakuzu: It’s Shimu.

Hidan and Shimu both looked at Kakuzu, Kakuzu then put his money away.

Hidan: What?

Kakuzu: Her name is Shimu you fucking retarded.

Hidan: I call her how the hell I want you sick f-…

Shimu: Why am I here?

Shimu interrupted Hidan before he says such word.

Hidan: Oh right. We are going to get your stuff out of your house. I mean if you want, if you don’t want to then fuck it.

Why would he even do this? Yesterday he was cold, earlier today he was back to himself and now too nice? Shimu thought.

Kakuzu: Well? Are we going or not?

Shimu: Yes.

They began to walk, Hidan was talking about his religion, Kakuzu didn’t care at all he was too busy talking also about how money was so important. Shimu just tried to ignore them and started to admire the nature that was surrounding them, by the looks of the shadows and light it had to be around 5:00pm, Shimu wasn’t sure if her boyfriend or ex boyfriend was in the house already, she just hoped that he isn’t there.

Shimu strated to notice that it was getting more late and she started to panic.
Shimu: Hidan-sama...

Hidan: I know.

Kakuzu: Chill.

Hidan: Yeah, we are here anyways, make it fast Shiyu.

Shimu just stood there scared for here life, even if Hayato wasn’t there she was still scared.

Shimu: Come with me Hidan-sama…

Hidan: What? No. Go and get your sh-

Shimu grab his coat before he finishes his sentence, Shimu looked at him straight in eye with her eyes covered in tears.

Shimu: Please come with me!

What got into this chick? Wasn’t her perfectly fine a moment ago and now all of the sudden she scared, shaking? The house is probably fucking empty. Hidan thought.

Kakuzu: Just go with her and make it fast.

Hidan just took a look a Shimu.

Shimu: Please… *Shimu whispered*

Hidan: *Sigh* Okay fine lets go!

As they walked in the house Shimu just couldn’t hold herself anymore, a sigh came out of her and tears started to come out of her eyes, she held on to Hidan’s coat tighter. Hidan couldn’t do anything but just stare and her, he slowly make her let go of his coat, and with a gentle voice told her:

Hidan: Go and get your stuff I’ll be right here.

Shimu looked at Hidan, she couldn’t feel more secure, she felt like he was telling the truth and he actually was going to be there when she came back. Shimu nodded and went off to get her stuff fast.

Hidan sigh.

Kakuzu: Why are you been so nice?

Hidan: Holy mother fucking shit! You bitch, you scared the shit out of me!

Kakuzu: …Why been so nice?

Hidan: Mother fucker I am not been nice.

Kakuzu: Right, I must say that her puppy eyes convince you to get in here with her.

Hidan: What!? No! I came here cause I wanted to.

Kakuzu: Hidan you are such a…

*Where Shimu is*

Clothes, shoes, make up, hair stuff, jewelry, what else do I need? Shimu turned herself to the bed and saw a note, she slowly opened it, it was from no other than Hayato.

“It’s over.”

Shimu sigh, she was some how relief, and she was glad it didn’t hurt her, for her that meant she didn’t feel anything for him. Wait… How did he know I was going to come back?

Hayato: Hello Amaya.

To be continued.

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