Friday 29 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 3

Akatsuki took me in.
Chapter III- Nothing.

Branches from trees were moving heavily from a sudden wind. Something or someone was jumping through the trees in a full speed. It was night already maybe around 8:00 pm.
That something or someone was no other than Shimu. She wasn’t a ninja or anything but when Shimu was little her father teach her the basics, like creating a clone, chakara control, fighting, how to throw kunai’s and how to handle them, self defense, and jumping through the trees. And all thought she didn’t have any special skills (that she know of) she was still pretty good.

*Flash back*

Concentrate Shimu! A voice said.

Shimu: Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!

A clone of her poof beside her, it looked white, pale, dizzy and horrible, the clone felt to the ground and disappeared.

Shimu: I can’t do it, Dad! 

Shimu pouted and sat down on the ground with her arms crossed.

Shimu's father chuckle and sat down beside her.

Shimu's father: Shimu...

Shimu: Hm!...

Shimu's father: Don’t be like that Shimu... *sigh* I know you’re strong, you just need to work harder and you'll see... Besides, you cant give up now, have you forgotten about your goal?

Shimu: No! I would never forget about my goal, I want to become the strongest ninja alive! And everyone will respect me and and...

Shimu's father: haha okay okay take it easy Shimu. Its getting late... we should go eat something.

Shimu: yes please I’m starving!

The stood up and walked away.

*Flash back over*

Shimu: All that I learned is useless now... I have become a coward... I can’t fight, I cant protect myself... I am sorry I let you down... father...

Shimu jump through the trees, she was going so fast that she could feel the wind scraping through her skin, she thought that the wind might even cut her skin open, but she prefer to be cut by the wind than arrived late to her boyfriend’s house, she needed to make food, set the table and clean, but it was too late for all that, by this time her boyfriend must have arrived from work already. He probably was waiting for her to beat her up again.

She jumped of a tree straight to the ground and landed on her feet in front or her house. But something was out of place; all of the lights were off.

He should be here already... What’s going on? She thought.

She went inside the house, there was nothing but dead silence, the only thing that can be heard was the wind and the wooden floor making a squeaky sound from every step she takes.

Shimu: Hayato?...

(Hayato was her boyfriend)

Shimu: Hayato?... why is it so dark in here? Hello? Answer me! 

No response. Shimu decided to go check the room they both slept in, for her surprise Hayato was in the bed sleeping, she just stood in the entrance, she took a few steps to the bed and sat on the floor beside the bed.

Shimu: *sigh*…

She leaned her head back against the wall, and then she looked at him watching him sleep for a moment. She sigh once again, then after that she looked around the room, the only light that she could see was coming from outside the window, it was no other but the moon, a full beautiful moon. Her eyes wonder around some more till her they landed on little wooden table, on the table there was a plate with a half eaten sandwich.

Shimu: I am sorry Hayato… I hope when you wake up you wont…

Hayato: Where have you been?

His voice scared her that she jumped on her feets.

Shimu: Hayato!... I- I…

Hayato slowly sat on the bed looking straight at her with his dark black eyes. She felt like his stare could look right into her soul. Hayato got up and walked up to her.

Hayato: I see that you can open you black eye a little bit.

Shimu: Ye-yes… I guess i-is healing…

Hayato pushed her against a wall and punch the wall, almost hitting her in the face.

Hayato: You went to get medical help, didn’t you?

Shimu: I-I don’t know what you’re talking abou-…

She was cut off by a hand grabbing her cheeks and squishing them together.

Hayato: Don’t. Fucking. Lie to me!

He pulled her face to the right and then pushed her to the ground.

Shimu: Hayato please wait… I… I can explain!

Hayato: I don’t have time to listen to your nonsense.

Shimu: But wai-

Hayato kick her on her ribs. Shimu scream in pain begging him to stop, but he wouldn’t listen he jut kept on kicking her.

Hayato: I am done with you Shimu…

Hayato grab a kunai under his pillow.

Hayato: I hope you meet your dead parents in hell, bitch.

Shimu’s eyes started gathering tears after does last words he said, when she saw that he was making a move to throw the kunai her eyes were wide open, for her… time just seem to pass so slow and he moved and throws the kunai.

Everything I am... is a horrible thing… I never did anything in my life… I didn’t accomplish my goal… I am nothing… and I will die now… as what I am… Nothing.

Shimu closed her eyes, and waited for her death.

To be continued…

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