Friday 29 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 2

Chapter II: Maybe they are not what they seemed.

It seemed like it took forever to get to the hide out, but it’s not like Shimu minded at all, actually she was too busy appreciating her surroundings. She was happy she had the chance to see what was outside her village. She loved how the air felt, so freely and not interrupted by any buildings. She loved the fact that every time she looked around there was something new to look at or better said, appreciate. To her left she could see the woods and little birds playing in the sky, to her right there was Hidan, not caring for anything, but she could also see a river that shines when the sunlight hits the water.

With all that happiness she had there was no way she could think of something that would ruin this moment. She smiled and looked down at her feet while walking, but slowly that smile faded away with the thoughts of her abusive boyfriend. Hidan was right when he called me stupid... She thought.

Right there she started remembering how they met, how everything was fine up on till the day he put a hand on her... The bad thing was that even though he beat her up every time he could, she still felt something for him.

How could I said that if I had the strength to kill him I would... How am I going to be able to do that? Yeah I hate when he beats me up but when he’s sleeping, when he's eating or watching TV, or leaving for work or even when he laughs at the TV, I feel like he never hits me... What am I saying? I’m just saying this cause I am scared of him! Yeah that’s it... I... I-

She was cut off of her thoughts by hitting her face on something or more like someone and this made her fall straight to the ground.

Hidan: Oi! Be more careful, stop spacing out so much!

Shimu: I-I am sorry Hidan-sama...

Hidan: Sama?

Shimu just blushed out of embarrassment.

Shinu: S-sorry...

Hidan: Just get up, we're here.

There was nothing, just a big high mountain. Shimu just stood there confused, thinking.

Shimu: I… I don’t see anything…

Kakuzu: Tell this girl to shut up I can’t concentrate.

Hidan just looked at her and Shimu immediately understood that she had to be quiet. Kakuzu just kneeled down to make some hand signs allowing a part of the mountain open like a door. Shimu stood there in shock. Hidan smirked with his eyes closed.

Hidan: C’mon Shiyu.

Shimu: It's Shimu…

Hidan: Yeah whatever.

Kakuzu, Hidan and Shimu walked in, as they were walking it started to get darker and darker because the door was closing slowing, till there was nothing but darkness. Shimu began to get scared and started thinking that this was a bad idea.

Shimu: Hidan?

She asked as she stretch her arms in front of her looking for something to hold on to. She suddenly felt Hidan’s coat, she knew it was him cause his coat was ripped, she held on to it.

Shimu: Can I hold on? I don’t want to get lost…

Hidan: Hm…

They walked like 5 minutes in pitch darkness till they stopped, Kakuzu kneeled again making some other hand signs. Another door opened revealing a bright light. Shimu covered her eyes and walked in letting go of Hidan’s coat. When she was able to see she opened her eyes and for her surprise she saw a nice big living room, to her left a big kitchen and to her right some stairs I am guessing that’s were the rooms are. She thought. She started thinking how this people could have such a nice place if they were so evil, she then took a look at Hidan and she thought Maybe they are not what they seemed… Her thoughts were interrupted by Hidan.

Hidan: Oi! Konan!

Kakuzu: Why… do you… have to be… so damn loud?!

Hidan: You idiot do you know how many floors are in this place? I have to scream so she can hear me!

She? Shimu thought. So there are girls in here as well hm…

Kakuzu: I am leaving…

Hidan: Fu-

Konan: What?

Hidan: Oi! Bitch what took you so long?!

Konan: … What?

Hidan: Ugh… This girl needs medical help, do your magic so she can leave.

Konan: I only take orders from Pein, not you.

Hidan: Do it!

Konan just looked at him with a face that said If I could kill you I would. She then took a look at Shimu. She doesn’t look like a ninja… Hell, she doesn’t look like she can even be a ninja or fight.

Konan: Follow me.

Shimu just followed her without saying a word. They were walking through the halls, the halls were pretty dark and scary, Shimu was just looking around, the halls had a lot of doors some of them were open and some of them were close. The doors that are open look like offices, so I am guessing the doors that are closed are rooms. She thought. While they were walking she saw a blond guy coming out of the doors that were closed. He had hair covering one of his eyes and a ponytail. She looked at him while she walked past him he just “UN” at her and kept walking.

Soon Konan and Shimu got into a white room with tons of medical kits and stuff. Shimu just sat down and let Konan heal her bruises as well as her black eye.

Konan: I think you are good to go now.

Shimu: Arigato.

Konan: Yeah… You know it’s not like Hidan to bring people over here and do something for them.

Konan said and she put the medical kit away.

Shimu just looked shocked and confused.

Shimu: Wha- What do you mean?...

Konan: Nothing really. I guess is just weird from him, but whatever I don’t really know him that well to be saying stuff about him.

Shimu: I see… Well thank you for your help.

Konan: Here.

Konan hand her a little box with tissues.

Konan: Put this on your eye before you go to sleep and it will heal in no time.

Konan began to walk away she soon stopped and said

Konan: Hide the box. I don’t think the person who did this to you will want to see that. If he does he will beat you up.

She left. Shimu just stood there in shock asking herself How did she know? Was it so obvious?

Shimu went down the stairs and saw Hidan in the living room having a discussion with the blond guy she saw earlier.

Hidan: Shut up Deidara, everyone here knows your so call “art” is a peace of s-

Suddnely a childish guy with a mask interrupted Hidan.

Tobi: Don’t insult Sempai’s art, yes his art might be bad but don’t insult it.

Deidara: Tobi… the best thing… you can do right now… is shut up! Un!

Shimu just stood and coughed to see if she could get the attention of the three guys.

Hidan: What do you want?

Shimu gasped in shocked and said.

Shimu: I… I am leaving now…

Hidan: Oh… Okay I’ll walk you to the door.

Shimu: No it's okay.

Hidan: I said I’ll walk you.

They walked outside without saying one word.

*Out side the hide out*

Shimu: Arigato.

Hidan: Yeah whatever, just don’t go around telling people that you were with the akatsuki or where the hide out is, cause I will personally kill you.

Shimu: Don’t worry… Bye Hidan… Nice… Meeting you…

Shimu began to walk away. Hidan just stared at her while she disappeared in the distance.

She will probably get beat up again.

Hidan thought.

To be continued…


Let me know what you think, thanks!!!

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