Sunday 31 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 11

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 11: The wrong moment at the wrong time.

Hidan left on his own to the hide out, Kakuzu slowly followed him. It was still raining really strong but Hidan didn’t seem to care at all, he just kept walking not saying a word. Kakuzu in an other hand he was pist off that he was getting wet by the rain plus it was cold too. A few minutes went by and Kakuzu was able to catch up with Hidan.

Hidan: Stop following me.

Kakuzu: I am not following you, we are going to the same place after all.

Hidan: Whatever.

Kakuzu: Care to tell me why so angry?

Hidan: None of you business.

Kakuzu: Whatever then.

There was a silence for a while, Kakuzu was walking besides Hidan and Hidan wasn’t been himself, he was usually screaming and cursing when this time he was just quite.

Kakuzu: I am not use to this new you.

Hidan: *sigh* What do you want to know?

Kakuzu: Nothing really. Well… What’s up with you and Shi-

Hidan: Don’t say her stupid name.

Kakuzu: Why does it bother you so much if I say Shim-

Kakuzu was interrupted by Hidan pushing him against a tree, Hidan had his sword on Kakuzu’s neck. Kakuzu didn’t have the time to respond to Hidan’s attack, it was sudden and fast. Hidan looked at him straight in the eye.

Hidan: I don’t know what’s your problem with me but since this girl came here you have become a total ass. So I am going to let you off with a warning, say something again about me and Shiyu and I will fucking kill you, I don’t give a fuck about what Pein or the others say, I will tear you up in two and feed you to Kisame, I am getting tired of you teasing me I don’t play games. Do you fucking understand?

Kakuzu didn’t say a word, he just looked at Hidan with a really angry looked on his face. Hidan stood in front of him for a few more seconds then slowly retreating and walking away. Kakuzu just let him walked away. Idiot… Kakuzu thought.

*At the hospital*

Shimu: When is this rain going to stop?

Tobi: I don’t know but I’m bored…

Shimu: Let’s just go.

Tobi: But Kakuzu said that we should stay here till the rain passes.

Shumi: Well it doesn’t look like the rain is going to stop anytime soon, so let’s go.

Tobi and Shimu head outside the hospital it was still raining and Shimu was right, it didn’t look like it was going to stop any time soon.

Tobi: Stay here!

Tobi ran towards a tree to climb it. Shimu stood in front of the hospital some how confused wondering what Tobi was doing, few seconds later he jump out of the tree with his hands behind his back he then ran towards Shimu, when he was in front on Shimu he looked around to see if anyone was near by, no one was there. He took off his hands behind his back revealing his Akatsuki coat.

Tobi: Here, put it over your head so you wont get wet or sick.

Shimu: *Smiles* Thank you Tobi. *Puts the coat around her head* You sure are a good boy.

Tobi: Haha… Let’s go!

Shimu began to walk just as she took the first step Tobi grabbed her, gently this time, and carried her bridal style.

Shimu: Woah Tobi I can walk.

Tobi: No way! I’m not letting you get hurt again! It might take a while till we get to the hideout though, cause I will be walking slowly so you wont get hurt.

Shimu: Fine, but just for a while, okay? When I tell you I want to walk you let me, okay?

Tobi: Yes! Let’s go!
*At the hideout*

Hidan and Kakuzu arrived, Kakuzu couldn’t help but to notice that Hidan had his cheeks red and was really tired, but Kakuzu could care less about what was wrong with him, Kakuzu just ignore it and went up to his room. Hidan walked over the living room and laid down on the couch, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes with his arm resting on his forehead. Few seconds went by Hidan open his eyes to see Konan standing in front of him.

Hidan: What the-!

Konan: Shut up.

Konan stretch her hand to touch his forehead. Hidan slap her hand away from him and sat down fast.

Hidan: Oi! What do you think you are doing?!

Konan: Shut up, I’m just checking if you have a fever.

Hidan: Ha! Me? A fever? Grow up Konan.

Hidan stood up.

Hidan: Don’t worry about me.

Konan: Believe me, me worrying about you will be the last thing I would do.

Hidan: *Chuckle* Same goes to yo-

Hidan was cut off by himself coughing like 5 times in a road.

Konan: What I told you?

Hidan: Shut *cough* Up Konan *cough*

Konan: Go to your room I’ll bring you some medicine.

Hidan: Whatever.

*Outside the hideout*

Tobi: We’re finally here!

Shimu: I think I can walk now Tobi.

Tobi: But-

Shimu: No “buts” I told you like a thousand times to put me down and you didn’t, so please let me walk, I’ll be fine.

Tobi: Fine…

Tobi put her down he then leaned down to do some signs allowing the mountain to open, Shimu like the first time she was there didn’t wanted to get lost in the total darkness so she held on to Tobi’s clothe so she wouldn’t get lost, they walked in pitch darkness for like 5 minutes then Tobi did some hand signs again opening the other door, when they walked in Deidara was sitting down on the couch eating some soup, he stopped eating to look at Tobi and Shimu he then “Un” and kept on eating. Shimu trying to be nice went up to Deidara and introduce herself.

Shimu: Hello, I’m Shimu.

Deidara looked at her and stood up.

Deidara: Nice to meet you, I’m Deidara, un.

Shimu: I heard you are an artist, is that right?

Deidara opened his eyes big.

Deidara: Heck yes I am.

Shimu: I will like to see your work some day.

Deidara: Um… Sure, un.

Shimu: Cool.

As Shimu turned around to face Tobi she hit someone she said sorry with a smile thinking that it was Tobi but when she looked at the person she saw no other than Pein right in front of her. Shimu was extremely afraid of Pein, his eyes freaked her out and so did all the piercings, and the way he threaten her the first day they meet made her not want to be around him. Shimu’s eyes were as big as they ever had been and she was scared out of her mind.

Shimu: Pe-…Pein-sama…

To be continued…

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