Friday 29 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 5

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 5: Akatsuki took me in

The door open revealing a man with orange hair, weird spiral light purple eyes and his face covered with piercings. He had six piercings on his nose, two more on his lower lips, and like seven more piercings on both of his ears. He just stood there staring at her, Shimu stared back scared and confuse with a hand rubbing her head where it hurt. Did Tobi tell them I was awake? She thought. Shimu got really uncomfortable of staring at the man with piercings on his face do she decided to look away from him. She couldn’t take the silence anymore, just the fact that he was just there, doing nothing, but staring at her so intensely made her go crazy that she started to judge herself Why is he staring at me so much? Do I have something in my face, is it my wounds, my black eye?  The man started to walk in, and behind him was the Konan following him, who cured Shimu the last time she was there. What was her name, Konun, Kunan? Shimu just couldn’t stand the silence anymore.

Shimu: Um… Hi…

Konan: She was here last night. I am guessing she will be staying with us, I don’t know for how long though, we should ask Hidan. What do you think, Pein?

So his name is Pein? Weird…

Pein: What’s your name?

Shimu: Shi-

Hidan: Shiyu.

Hidan said as he entered the room and lean on the corner of the door with his eyes close. Pein looked at Hidan then back and Shimu.

Pein: Shiyu, huh?

Shimu: No, it’s Amaya Shimu.... Mu not Yu.

Pein: I see… You can’t sta-

Hidan: She will stay here with us. She will be my little maid, after all *Hidan looked at her with an evil, sarcastic look* I “saved” her.

His maid?! Well I guess that’s better than going back to Hayato… I guess I wouldn’t mind just doing a few favors for him, besides he did saved me, I don’t know why he is saying it like if he didn’t… “Saved her” why would he say it like that?

Shimu thought as she sighs looking down, hoping that Pein will let her stay as a maid for Hidan. Pein just looked at Hidan with a dislike face and he then looked back and Shimu analyzing her eyes that were covered in pain and fear, analyzing her body all covered in wounds. Pein started to walk out of the room the stopped beside Hidan.

Pein: She better not be in the way or I will finish her.

Pein walked away and so did Konan. Hidan chuckle and looked at Shimu, she was all sad and depressed

Hidan: Follow me.

Shimu was going to stand up, but since her head still hurt so much she almost felt backwards to the floor but something grab her collar shirt and pull her up, that something was Hidan.

Hidan: Oi! This is no time to sleep, come with me.

Shimu: I… I can’t… *Shimu sat down on the floor* My head hurts a lot, I can’t move that much or I’ll get really dizzy…

Hidan: Ugh!!!!! TOBI!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tobi: Tobi here at your service!

Hidan: Carry her and follow me.

Tobi: YES SIR!

Tobi lean down and carried her in bridal style, as he followed Hidan, Shimu just looked down as she grabbed on to Tobi’s neck, slightly upset that she was already like a slave at her boyfriend and she will become a slave here also, she just hoped that the beating doesn’t happen here.

Hidan: You may leave Tobi, I’ll take it from here.

Tobi set Shimu down, pet her on the head and left. Shimu just leaned back resting her head at the wall with her eyes closed. She then open them looking around, it was just a dark hallway nothing special. She suddenly felt a hot breath on her forehead making her look up to see Hidan so close to her, Shimu just blushed like hell with her eyes wide open. Hidan chuckle.

Hidan: Hey… Shiyu right? *Hidan say in a really seductive voice staring right into Shimu’s eyes*

Shimu: Shi-… Shimu…

Hidan: Shimu… *He chuckle* Move cause you are blocking the door.

Shimu blushed even more out of her embarrassment and move as fast as she could behind him. Hidan once again chuckle and opened the door.

Hidan: This will be your room. Rules, if you don’t have anything to do unless eat something, don’t go out, Pein doesn’t want you in the way of anyone and nether do I. Do you understand?

Shimu: Yes…

Hidan: Oh, and you will be my maid, whatever I ask you to do you will do it with no complains, understand?

Shimu: Yes.

Hidan: Alright, goodnight.

Why is Hidan acting so… cold? Isn’t he always yelling? Shimu thought

Shimu: Hi-… Hidan-sama.

Hidan: What?

Shimu: Um, can I please have me some blankets and pillows?

Hidan: Look Shiyu or whatever your name is, I am tired and cranky and I am not your maid, if you need something, go and look for it yourself.

Shimu: But-

Hidan: But nothing. Everybody is asleep now, so go and look for what you need and go back to your room.

Hidan began to walk away.

Shimu: But I don’t know where you keep all does stuff…

Hidan: That’s not my problem.

Hidan closed the door. What the hell was that? I guess I’ll sleep without pillows or blankets, tonight is not the night to get lost in this place. Besides I don’t want to see Pein-sama… Shimu laid on the bed, minutes past by felling like it was hours, time for her was going to slow, she moved around her bed feeling cold, alone, and dirty, she didn’t know what exactly a “maid” meant to Hidan, it could be anything really. Shimu looked outside a little balcony that her room had.

Shimu: It has to be around two am… *sigh*

Then someone was knocking at the door. Who is it at this time? Maybe is Hidan… Or Pein, oh my… I don’t know if I should open the door or not. An other knock was heard Okay… Let’s do this. Shimu slowly opened the door with her eyes closed, she couldn’t be more nervous Please don’t be Pein-sama, Please don’t be Pein-sama. She repeated to her self in her mind, she then opens her eyes to see it was just Tobi, Shimu sight as a relive sign that it was just him, but she then looked at Tobi again and he was holding three pillows and a two huge blankets, Shimu just stood there in shocked and then slowly smile.

Shimu: You didn’t have to Tobi…

Tobi: But I wanted to, and this will make Tobi a good boy!

Shimu: Haha… yeah it will.

Tobi hand her the pillows and blankets.

Shimu: Thanks.

Tobi: No problem, if you need a friend here I am! Well not right here… but like, you know, upstairs…

Shime: Haha, I get it.

Tobi: Goodnight.

Shimu: Night…

The next day.

Bright sunny beautiful morning, the sunlight hit the wooden floor of Shimu’s room making a lot of different brown colors around the floor, a little table with an empty vase to right of the bed, and also to the right there was a little balcony that she could see the woods and a huge beautiful river that shine at the sight on the sun and looks like it will shine too if there moon was out.

Shimu didn’t have the time to admire all this beauty she was too busy sleeping. Next thing she knew the door was open and it was Hidan.

Hidan: Oi! Wake up!

Shimu jump and sat down on the bed staring at Hidan.

Hidan: Damn girl, its just me don’t be such a scary cat. *pause* I see that you have blankets and pillows.

Shimu: Y-yes… Tobi brought them to me.

Hidan: That stupid kid, I thought I told you to get them yourself.

Shimu: I-I didn’t wanted to get lost…

Hidan: Whatever. Here is a list of stuff you need to do for me. I am hoping they will be done today.

Shimu: You can count on me Hidan-sama.

Hidan didn’t felt like walking over her to give her the list, and he didn’t feel like waiting for her to get up and get it, cause he knew Shimu was going to start asking questions, so he made the list into a little paper plane and throw it at her. Shimu catch it fast with a smile on her face like if she was a little girl.

Hidan: Get to work Shiyu.

Shimu didn’t mind at that he call her Shiyu. At least he is back to his old self, kind of, I think. *Shimu looked at the list* Weird how Hidan is evil and has a really nice handwriting.

The list were just stupid little shores that can be done in no time, she took a shower and went off. First thing on the list go to the nearest village to but some foods he apparently Hidan liked to eat. Second thing on the list wash Hidan’s clothes. Third thing on the list clean Hidan’s room (which it was a total mess). Forth thing on the list kick Deidara’s butt I think I’ll skip this one… And final thing on his list Meet Hidan at the waterfall were they first met. Wh-What?!... Why would he want me to go there?

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