Sunday 31 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 14

Akasuki took me in.

Chapter 14: CPR or Kiss?

Shimu kept on walking, she saw almost everyone from the hideout in the village except for Pein. She say Tobi, Deidara and Konan, There was to be more Akatsuki’s members… Whatever is not like I care, Shimu thought. It was already around 3:00 pm.

Shimu was ready to leave, she had everything she needed and put it on a backpack she had, when she was about to leave she saw a little bridge and for the looks of it, it was new, she was going to keep walking but when she looked to the other side of the bridge she saw Deidara and Tobi having and argument, they didn’t saw her cause they weren’t facing her, she decided to walked over, she wasn’t so afraid of them. As she walked on the bridge to the other side there were four guys looking at her, but since she is such a space out girl she didn’t notice them till someone grabbed her arm and pushed her making her hit the railing of the bridge.

Shimu: Hey!

Well, well, what do you in your backpack? *snatch Shimu’s backpack*

Shimu: Please don’t! That’s not mine!

They checked inside the backpack to see if there was any money or anything valuable, but there wasn’t.

This bitch doesn’t have anything we need. That’s too bad… Gentle man.

The other 3 guys grabbed her arms but then someone screamed, it was no other than Deidara.

Deidara: Hey! What do you think you are doing?! Un.

The guy that was talking looked at Deidara and then at Shimu.

I hope you know how to swim.

When he said does words the other three guys lift her up and throw her off the bridge, when they let go they jumped running away from Deidara. Shimu screamed as she fall down, when she hit the water she hit her head with a rock making her knocked out underwater and sink.

Deidara: Shit!

Deidara took his shirt off and jumped off the bridge, he swim down, grabbed her and pushed her to shore.

Tobi: Sempai please tell me she is okay!

Deidara: Shut up, un!

Deidara leaned down to her and place his ear near Shimu’s mouth to see that she wasn’t breathing. Deidara backed off slowly looking at her.

Deidara: She’s not breathing…

*Hidan and Kakuzu scene*

Hidan: Then he got all up in my face and so I chopped his head off. I was like TAKE THIS YOU DICK!

Kakuzu: So not interesting… I remember when I got a lot of money last week.

Hidan: You only care about money.

Kakuzu: And you about killing and your stupid God.

Hidan: Oi! Don’t insul-

Tobi: HIDAN-SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!

Hidan: Ugh great… What do you want?

Tobi: Shimu… Bridge… Water… Hit her head… Not breathing!...


Tobi: Some guys that were on a bridge attacked Shimu and they pushed her off the bridge and she hit her head with a rock when she fell down and now she is not breathing. Deidara-sempai is with her.

Hidan: Let’s go Kakuzu.

Kakuzu: *sigh* Fine.

When they arrived Hidan was just calm like he didn’t care at all, but when he saw what was going on he wasn’t that calm, the first thing Hidan saw when he got there was Deidara giving Shimu CPR, Deidara’s lips against her’s giving her hair.

Hidan’s reaction:

Hidan: Oi! What do you think you’re doin-

At that moment Shimu sat down fast coughing trying to get air, when she sat down she hit Deidara’s head making him fell down. Shimu sat there for a few seconds trying to catch her breath, she then looked up to see Deidara blushing, Hidan looking at her and at Deidara, Kakuzu looking at her and Tobi… running towards her.

Tobi: Shimu! *hugs her* Are you all right?!

Shimu: Easy Tobi… my head hurts.

Hidan: Sheezz… aren’t you always getting in trouble?

Hidan walked towards her and before he got to where she was he grabbed the back of Deidara’s pony tail and pull down to the ground and kept walking.

Deidara: What’s your problem?! Un.

Hidan: Hm… Get up Shiyu.

Deidara: Her name is Shimu, you dick, un.

Hidan: Do you want to me to chop your head off?

Deidara: Bring it! I’ll blast you to hell, where you belong, un.

Shimu: Is okay Deidara!

Deidara: Un… Let’s go Tobi.

Tobi: You go on ahead I’ll carry Shimu.

Shimu: Thanks…

Hidan: Did you get my stuff?

Shimu: *gasp* OH NO!

Shimu looked at the river and saw the backpack on the shore soak with water. Hidan looked at it and sigh loudly.

Hidan: Just… Forget it. Lets go.

Shimu: I am sorry Hidan-sama…

Hidan: Forget it!

Hidan began to walked away with Kakuzu. Tobi carry her to the hideout and Deidara just followed them.

To be continued…

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