Friday 29 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic


It was a bright sunny, hot day. It was a perfect day to go the river, stay at home and relax, or maybe eat some ice cream. The sun was really intense; you can see the heat on the streets. Hidan and Kakuzu had just finished a mission, and Kakuzu was giving the corpse that they killed to some guys for money. Hidan decided to wait out side but Kakuzu was taking too long.
Hidan: Oi! Kakuzu! Hurry the fuck up! I am getting tired waiting on your ass, plus is hot out here, I feel like my ass is melting!

Hidan: This bitch... Fuck you Kakuzu, I'm going for a walk.

So Hidan decided to walk into the woods while cursing Kakuzu under his breathe. While walking inside the forest you could see how the sunlight went through the branches of the tall trees creating all type of beautiful shadows. Hidan walked not paying attention to anything, he was too busy cursing Damn Kakuzu making me wait, who the hell he think he is? The something made Hidan stopped The fuck is that sound? He said. He heard a waterfall, he decided to follow the sound and for his surprise he saw a girl in the waterfall in her bathing suit, she wasn’t facing him so she didn’t know he was there. Hidan chuckle and said "Easy meat..." He started to walk towards her but something looked out of place, he stopped, the girl had whip bruises all over her back, her arms were cover in bruises as well as her legs. Hidan stood there behind her looking at her bruises What the fuck happened to this bitch? He thought. He then went up to her and said:

Hidan: Oi!

When he said that the girl turned around slowly and when she finally was completely facing him he stood there in shocked, she had one of her eyes swollen, purple and back and shut. The girl then gasped and say "Oh... I- I didn’t know someone was here… H-hello there... I'm Shimu..." Hidan looked at her face and her front part of her body, which was also cover in bruises. " Hidan..." he said, she gave him a small smile and then turn her back slowly. Hidan walked in front of her: 

Hidan: What happen to you? (He said this showing no worries at all, just a plain look on his face)

Shimu: T-This is what happen when a woman doesn’t obey her partner... 

Hidan just looked at her with an odd look is she crazy? he thought.

Hidan: Why don't you cover your body? I mean, I am a boy and I can do the same your partner did to you.

Shimu: I have no self-respect for myself... I-I don't care anymore...

Hidan: Right... what are you doing here?

Shimu: I-I always come here to relax and take my mind of things... I only come here when my boyfriend i-is working.

Hidan: Hold on bitch... Did you say boyfriend? I thought when you said partner you meant your husband, but really? Your BOYFRIEND is the one that did all this to you?

Shimu: Y-yes... 

Hidan: You're stupid.

Shimu looked down as is she knew she was stupid, she nodded her head and say with tears in her eyes, "I can't do anything, i-if I try to run away he will kill me... If I only had the strength he would have been dead by now" Hidan just stood there without saying anything, he just couldn’t stop staring at her, staring at her swollen eye that she couldn’t even open it if you tried, at her bruises. Hidan then snap out of it when Shimu say " I-I must go, If I am not home in time he will hurt me again" Shimu picked up her stuff, looked at Hidan and say "It was nice to meet you Hidan" and she began to walk away, Hidan just called to her:

"Oi wait a second bitch!"

Shimu: I-I can't, I can't be late.

Hidan: I say hold on a second!

Hidan grabbed her wrist twisting it a little pulling her to him, when he grabbed her she got a lot of flash backs of when her boyfriend used to beat her up.

*Flash backs*

Boyfriend: Where have you been?

Shimu: I-I… I was in the store getting something for dinner…

Boyfriend: And it took you that long?

Shimu: Babe please don-

Boyfriend: Don’t call me “babe”….

He then stood up and grabbed her wrist. Shimu screamed Please I am sorry… It won’t happen again! Her boyfriend then pushed her to the ground I am sure it wont happen again. He said and started to beat her up like he always does.

*Flash back over*

When Shimu got that flash back she just fell to the floor and screamed "Please don't hit me! I'll obey next time Hidan, just don't hit me, I'm sorry!" Hidan let go of her hand slowly, Man this bitch must gotten a really good hit in her head, she’s crazy Hidan thought. Hidan sigh and told her "Come with me" Shimu replied "I-I can't Hi-" Hidan cut her off by saying "Just come with me so that my people take care of your stupid wounds and then you may leave" Shimu thought about it and she agreed, she was in pain and she needed medical assistant. 

She then followed him where he left Kakuzu. Kakuzu was already out side waiting for Hidan, when Kakuzu saw Hidan, Kakuzu said “Where the hell did you go?” Hidan chuckle with his eye closed and said “Serves you right for making me wait also, I just went for a little walk” Just about when Kakuzu was going to cursed at Hidan he was a girl standing behind him. Kakuzu just looked at her with all her bruises and he asked Hidan “And this?” Hidan looked at her and say “She is with me, don’t worry she will be leaving soon…” Since Hidan was known as a player Kakuzu just thought This has to be one of his one night stands he then just ignore them and started to walk. Shimu then got on the side of Hidan and asked:

“You’re a member of the akatsuki, right?”

Hidan smiled evilly and say: What took you so long to figure it out?

They just kept walking till they got to the hide out.

To be continued…

1 comment:

  1. hey girl this your first comment first of all hidan in cool cuz he curses all the time second of all he want to get it on with shimu and third of all What the fuck happened to this bitch?
