Sunday 31 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 12

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 12: An “oh Sh*t” moment.

Shimu: I’m so sorry Pein sama! I-I won’t happen again! Please forgive me!

Pein then grabbed her wrist twisting it a little.

Pein: Follow me.

Shimu was shocked, she thought he was going to kill her, Pein let go of her and Shimu then followed him to Hidan’s room, they didn’t entered they just stood outside the door, Shimu didn’t understand why they were there, Pein just lean his back to a wall while Shimu stood some where far away from him.

Pein: Just listen.

Inside Hidan’s room Shimu could hear stuff been thrown, she then heard Hidan’s and Konan’s voice.

Hidan: You bitch, don’t touch me!!!!!

Konan: It’s just medicine! Stay still!

Hidan: I don’t need you to take care of me, damn it!       

Konan: Fine! Stay sick, for all that I care. At least drink some water and relax.

Shimu and Pein heard a glass been thrown and some water splashing.

Hidan: I.WANT.SHIYU! Now get out and bring my maid!

Shimu was in shocked when Hidan called her out like that, she kind of felt needed. Soon later Konan walked out of the room all cover in water Oh my… Hidan throw water at her? How dare he?! I hope he doesn’t do that to me. Shimu thought.

Konan: Take.Care.Of your little boss before I kill him.

Pein: Get to work.

Konan and Pein left. Shimu then entered the room to see Hidan lying down on his face shirtless, the blankets covering only bellow the belly, Hidan didn’t know Shimu was there.

Shimu: Hidan-sama?

Hidan then looked up to face her.

Shimu: So you’re sick...

Shimu walked over Hidan and stretch her hand to feel his forehand, Hidan reacted, he was going to slap her hand the same way he did to Konan, Shimu’s reacted too, she grabbed Hidan’s wrist making him to stop, she didn’t even gave him the chance to touch her. Hidan looked at her in shocked How the hell could she be that fast? Hidan thought. Few seconds later Shimu realize what she was doing and she quickly let go.

Shimu: I- I’m sorry Hidan-sama… Just let me check your temperature. Besides you did called out for me, so if you did, what do you want to me do? Sit here and watch you been sick? And well… I am you maid after all *Shimu looked down*

She heard me when I called her? Hidan thought. Hidan didn’t say a word he just looked away, Shimu waited a few more seconds and then went to feel his forehead, she felt it for a few seconds then let go.

Shimu: You are burning up, Hidan-sama.

Hidan: *Chuckles* I’m fine, really. *Looks at Shimu with a evil, sarcastic smile*

Shimu: Right… Well why don’t go and take a cold shower, I’ll go make you something to eat.

Hidan: Cold shower? I am freezing my ass here and you want me to take a cold shower? I don’t think so, you go and get me something to eat but I am not taking no damn cold shower.

Shimu: *Sigh* If you don’t want to be cold and want your fever to go away you need to take a cold shower, it will lower your temperature, I promise.

Hidan looked at her not convince at all, he just thought that was a myth, Hidan sigh and agreed, Shimu smiled then walked down the kitchen to make him some soup, it was something her mother always give her when she was sick and she got better in no time.

Shimu went down the stairs and head to the kitchen, she was glad that no one was there so she could have the kitchen all to herself. She then began to grab all the ingredients she needed, she was really surprise that they had everything she needed, so with all the ingredients she was ready to get to work. She mixed everything together, 5 minutes went by and she felt something on her shoulder when she looked it was a really weird looking spider, it was pale, white and fat. Shimu slap it away and screamed. At that moment Deidara entered the kitchen, when Shimu saw him she ran towards him standing behind him grabbing the back of his arms.

Shimu: Kill it, kill it, kill it, kill it!

Deaidara: Relax. That’s one of my arts, un.

Shimu let go of him and sat down in front of the spider, then looked back at Deidara.

Shimu: So… it wont hurt me?

Deidara: Yeah it can hurt you, un. But is only if I command it, look, un.

Deidara grabbed the spider and throw it out the window as the spider was flying through the air Deidara put two fingers in front of him.

Deidara: Katsu!

The spider then blow up in the air, it was a really loud “BAM” that made Shimu jumped.

Shimu: That. Was… Awesome!

Deidara: Thanks, un.

Shimu: Well I got to get going, I have to take this to Hidan-sama, his not feeling so good.

Deidara: Um, Okay, un.

Shimu: If we meet again you can show me more of you awesome work!

Deidara: *grin* Sure, un.

Shimu: All right, later.

Shimu then walked up stairs to Hidan room, Shimu entered the room and saw that wasn’t in the bed so she thought that Hidan was still taking a shower. She put his food on the bed, she then started to look around some pictures that were on Hidan’s wall. When she finally finish looking at them she turn around for her surprise Hidan was standing right behind her, he was just about to tap her should before she turn around, Hidan was all cover with water and cause of this he made a puddle on the floor, when Shimu saw him she jumped, as she jumped she landed on the puddle making her slip, Hidan was shocked and tried to grabbed her but he grabbed her he moved and he also step the puddle and they both fell down. Hidan on top of Shimu. Shimu was with her eyes widen open and so did Hidan, they stay there facing each other for seconds that felt like hours. A little drop of water from Hidan’s hair fell down to Shimu’s forehead making her snap out of it and when she notice, Hidan was shirtless and only wearing a towel. AAAAHHH!!! WHAT DO I DO!? Shimu thought. Shimu was going to say something but when she was about to say it…

*Door opens*

To be Continued…

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