Sunday 31 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 21

Everytime we touch (acoustic) - Cascada


Akatsuki Took Me In.

Chapter 21: I… I…

Shimu: What do you want to do?

Itachi: Fight me.

Shimu: Look if you don’t like me and you want to kill me you can just say it, but I’m not going to fight you.

Itachi: You were fighting me a moment ago.

Shimu: Yeah but I’m not going to fight you cause you say so. I am not your… maid…

Shimu looked down when she said does words. Itachi notice.

Itachi: You are no ones maid, you just like doing favors.

Shimu looked at Itachi and he gave her a small smile.

Itachi: Fight me.

Shimu: No… I am going to sleep.

Shimu began to walk away as she passed beside Itachi he pulled her hair making her fall.

Itachi: Fight me.

Shimu: Now you done it, no one messes with my hair.

Shimu got up and started throwing punches at Itachi, Shimu was fast but Itachi had the sharingan on so he was dodging every punch.

Itachi: Is that all you all got?

At the moment Shimu throw a punch at him and he grabbed her arm pull her down to the ground.

Itachi: Imagine I am Hayato… Imagine you are fighting him, all the times he used to beat you up. *Kick her on the ribs*

Shimu: AAAHHH!! *Tears become to form in her eyes*

Itachi: That’s were he use to hit you, isn’t it?

Itachi was about to kick her in the ribs again but Shimu manage to hold his leg and push him making him fall. She got up crying.

Itachi: Remember when you saw you parents dying.

Itachi ran towards her throwing a punch, Shimu grabbed his arm and punch him in the face.

Itachi: Remember does last words they told you.

Itachi throw a kunai at Shimu, Shimu didn’t move so the kunai stab her in her shoulder.

Itachi: What were does last words, Shimu?

Shimu just stood there looking down while her the blood of her shoulder came out slowly, dripping down her arm to her hand and fingers. She looked up at Itachi, Itachi was just staring at her.

Itachi: What were does last words, Shimu?

Shimu: To…

Itachi: Accomplish your goal. What do I have to do to get you angry damn it!?

Itachi ran toward her grabbing her neck and slamming her back against a tree. Shimu looked down crying silently.

Itachi: Get angry damn it!

Shimu: I can’t…

Shimu slowly pulled down Itachi’s hand from her neck, he didn’t grabbed her or anything he just let go as well. Shimu looked at Itachi’s eyes to see that he wasn’t using his sharingan.

Itachi: You really are nothing.

Shimu looked at him and slap him in the face, she then grabbed the collar of his shirt and push him against a tree. She then look at him in the eye Shimu then took the kunai off her shoulder without any complains. Itachi chuckled at her.

Itachi: You are not that weak after all… So are you going to fight me?

Shimu smiled at him, she then backed off and jump to the trees and ran away. But not to the hideout.

Itachi: So you like games, huh? Very well.

Itachi followed her through the trees till he meet up with her.

Shimu: You are really slow.

Shimu went up to him was about to punch him in the face but he manage to dodge.

Itachi: Don’t think I will take it easy on you cause you’re a girl.

Shimu: I never thought of that.

Shimu stood up on a branch but the branch broke making her fall as she was about to hit the ground someone tackled her, that someone was no other than itachi, the both fell on the ground but not so hard, Itachi ended up on top of her, Shimu had her eyes closed in pain and Itachi just looked at her. When Shimu opened her eyes she notice the way he was looking at her.

Shimu: Itachi-sama what are you doi-…

Hidan: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????!!!!!!!!!!?????

Kisame: Itachi you traitor!

Deidara: I’m going to blast you to hell!

Hidan: Both of you stop following me!

Hidan pushed Itachi to the ground and grabbed Shimu’s arm pulling her up.

Hidan: So now you’re a whore?

Itachi: Nothing happened.

Hidan: Shut up! Tell me Shiyu, now you go whoring around with gu-…

Shimu didn’t let him finish his sentence and slap him right in the face. Hidan let go of her arm and looked at her, she had tears in her again once again.

Shimu: How… How dare you call me a whore?...

Kisame: Ignore him he was just kidd-

Shimu: How dare you Hidan!? I might be you maid but I am not a fucking whore!!!!

Shimu pushed him away and ran off crying.

Deidara: Wait, Shimu! *Deidara tried to grab her*

Shimu: Get away from me!!!!!!!!! *she kept on running*

Kisame: Man… I will never call Shimu a whore, what is wrong with you?

Deidara: Agreed, un.

Kisame: If you liked her… You messed up big time Hidan.

Itachi: I’m leaving…

Kisame: Yeah me too, this turn out to be something else.

Deidara: Wait for me, un.

Hidan just stood there and everyone else left him, he just stood there and placed his hand on his cheek. I’m such a moron… I can’t believe I called her a whore… Even if she likes Itachi, there’s no reason to call her like that. Hidan thought. When he took his hand away from his cheek he notice that there was blood on his hand and cheek. What did you do now Shiyu? No… What did Itachi did to you?! Fuck!. Hidan thought, and ran back to the hideout.

Shimu jumped to her balcony and ran to her bed, she just laid there crying on her pillow. That jerk… How dare him to call me such a thing… I will never… Shimu thought.

Hidan got to the hideout minutes later Itachi, Kisame and Deidara did. Hidan entered and ran to Itachi’s room slamming the door opened, Itachi looked at him.

Hidan: Why did Shiyu was bleeding?

Itachi: Haven’t you heard of a thing call knocking?

Hidan: Answer me!

Itachi: Hasn’t anyone tell you that you care too much for her to be just your maid? For the looks of it, it looks this was the first time you insulted her other than calling her a bitch. Do you like her?

Hidan: No! Why did she was bleeding?

Itachi: We were just fighting, well I made her fight me, I throw a kunai at her and she didn’t dodge it and well that happ-

Itach was interrupted by a hand grabbing him by the neck.

Hidan: Put one finger on her one more time, and I swear you’re done. Do you understand Uchiha?

Itachi: Nothing… Happen… What you saw was an accident… we both fell and I tackled her so the impact wouldn’t be so hard… And she was in pain with her eyes closed… as I was on top of her… I was the one that didn’t got off her… I just stayed there when she notice she asked what was I doing then you guys showed up…

Hidan: For your own sake you better hope your ass that it was an accident!

Hidan let go of Itachi’s neck and walked away. Itachi fell to the ground breathing deeply and fast, he then got up slowly.

Itachi: After all this show you put up, I hope you apologize to her.

Hidan: Shut up…


Hours passed by and Shimu was still crying. It was now 2:00 am, everyone in the hideout was asleep, Shimu got up and head downstairs to get something to drink, when she was done she head upstair, still upset, with a runny nose and her eyes watery. She heard a gentle voice behind her.

Hidan: Oi…

Shimu turned around to face Hidan. Shimu looked down and looked up at him.

Shimu: Forgive me for hitting you Hidan-sama… I shouldn’t have… I just reacted like that and I am sorry… You are my master and I promise that will never happen aga-…

Shimu was interrupted by some strong, big arms wrapping slowly around her. It was no other than Hidan’s arms, slowly holding her gently and pulling her close. Shimu didn’t do anything, she was in shocked that Hidan, the man she thought was heartless was giving a gesture of… love.

Shimu: Hidan…

Hidan: I’m not good… with apologies… So… please take this like an apology for calling you a whore… and… I did deserved that slap you gave me…

Shimu: Hidan…

Shimu began to felt her heart race faster and faster… What is this… feeling?... Shimu thought. She slowly wrapped her arms around him. I am not… controlling my body… I don’t know how am I doing this but… I like it… It’s not like a mind at all… Shimu thought. Hidan slowly backed away looking at her eyes and Shimu did the same. Does eyes… Hidan thought. Hidan slowly got closer to her and for his surprise Shimu didn’t back off like last time, Shimu just blushed and slowly started to closed her eyes…

Shimu: Hidan…

Hidan: Hm…

Hidan and Shimu were now inches away from kissing… Hidan wrapped his arm tighter pulling her body closer. They both felt they hot breath mixed together, Hidan began to close his eyes.

Shimu: Hidan-sama…

Hidan: Don’t… talk…

Hidan stoke his hand on Shimu’s face.

Hidan: Shiyu…

Shimu: Yeah…

Hidan: I… I…

To be continued…

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