Sunday 31 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 16

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 16: New people.

Shimu turned around slowly to see a blue tall guy with an evil grin staring at her, he had the Akatsuki coat, gills under his eyes, spiky dark blue hair, white scary eyes, he looked like a shark for Shimu. Shimu got a little scared but didn’t show it, right behind him an other guy showed up, he wasn’t tall or small but he wasn’t as tall as the shark guy, he was also wearing the Akatsuki coat, he had black hair, black eyes, and an emotionless face looking at Shimu.

Kisame: Forgive me my lady, I’m Kisame and this boy right here is Itachi.

Shimu: Ni-… Nice to meet you both. I’m Shimu. Amaya Shimu.

Kisame: You are not from the akatsuki, are you? What are you doing here?

Shimui: No. I am here as a maid for Hidan.

Kisame: Hidan?... *Chuckles* What a dick…

Itachi: Lets go report the mission to Pein.

Kisame: Yeah you go on ahead, I’ll stay here with the new girl.

Shimu: Oh I don’t mind.

Kisame: I insist…

Shimu: Oh…O-…Okay then.

Itachi just ignored them and walked away.

Shimu: You have been gone for a while I’ve been here for like 2 or 3 months already.

Kisame: Yeah well we have missions to do. What are you doing?

Shimu: I’m just trying to think what I can make Hidan and Kakuzu to eat.

Kisame: Make them so sushi.

Shimu: Aren’t you spouse to be protecting your species… I mean… you kind of look like a… Fish.

Kisame looked at her with this face:

Shimu looked at him with this face:

Kisame pushed her to the side and started to make sushi. Weird, I thought this guy would be evil and creepy and mean… Well he is creepy. Shimu thought. Few minutes past by and the Sushi was done.

Kisame: Here. I got to go to report to Pein, he is a real PEIN- in the ass.

Shimu: That’s mean.

Kisame: Well it’s true.

Kisame started to walked away, he then stopped.

Kisame: I’ll see you around.

Shimu: O-…Okay.

Kisame chuckled then left. Shimu went upstairs to give the Sushi to Kakuzu and Hidan. I hope they like it… Shimu thought. She got to the room and knocked the door.

Hidan: What do you wan-… What is that?

Shimu: Sushi!

Kakuzu: Sushi?

Hidan: Who told you to make this?

Shimu: Some blue guy, that looked like a shark.

Hidan: Kisame… That dick… Whatever I guess we can eat this, right Kakuzu?

Kakuzu: …

Shimu: Anything else I can do for you?

Hidan: Bring us something to drink, would ya?

Shimu: Okay.

Shimu once again went downstairs getting some sodas from the fridge, she was still thinking which one to take till she heard another voice.

Can you hand me one?

Shimu turned around to see Itachi.

Shimu: Sure, which one?

Itachi: Whatever.

Shimu gave him the soda and he began to walk away.

Shimu: Are you alright?

Itachi: *Stopped walking* Why?

Shimu: Just… asking.

Itachi stood there for a moment then left. Shimu sigh I was just trying to be friendly… Shimu thought. She went off again to Hidan’s room as she walked her way over there she looked down to her feet and started to think random stuff. Waoh my feet’s are huge… Holy crap look at them… I think I’m going to get surgery on them. Is that a mole?! Oh no, I thought it was a-. Shimu was cut out of her thoughts by hitting someone, she hit that person so hard she fell to the grown sitting down. When she looked up to say sorry she saw that it was no other than Pein. Really? Why couldn’t be tobi!? Shimu thought, but she was scared at the same time.

Shimu: Pein-sama! I am so sorry! *Looks down*

Pein: Get up.

Shimu looked up at Pein and saw that he was giving her his hand to help her stand up, Shimu slowly grabbed his hand as he pulled her up slowly and gently, he then lean down grabbing the sodas and handing them to her. Pein looked at her into her eyes, Shimu looked back confused. Pein took a step forward making her take another step back, Pein saw this and turned around and walked away. What was that? Shimu thought. Shimu then made it to Hidan’s room.

Hidan: What took you so long?

Shimu: I fell down… and well yeah…

Hidan: *Takes soda* Go to your room. I’ll meet you there we need to talk.

Shimu: About what?

Hidan: Go!

To be continued…

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