Saturday 30 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 8

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 8: A sad bloody goodbye.

Shimu looked at Hidan surprise that he did responded to her calling. Shimu’s stare from hate disappear as she took a look at Hidan, she felt some how relief he was there, even if she didn’t understand why would he save her.

Hidan: That’s my maid you got there.

Hayato was shocked then laugh. He let go of Shimu’s cheeks pushing her against the wall making her whine a little, she lean against the wall breathing deeply and trying to stop the bleeding from her wound.

Hayato: Maid?! Hahaha, waoh Shimu I didn’t know you would went that low just to get me out of your life, really? A maid for the Akatsuki.

Hidan: She is MY maid you idiot, just mine. And trust me, as long as she is doing her job she is going to live.

He’s only going to save me cause he is lazy… Whatever… as long as I don’t die in Hayato’s hands I’m fine. Shimu thought.

Hayato: I bet he is going to rape you, Shimu.

Shimu looked at Hayato then at Hidan shocked. Hidan was shocked but angry at the same time.

Hidan: What the fuck did you just say?!

Hidan ran towards Hayato punching him in the face, making fly through the room against a wall and making the wall to break.

Hidan: I would never fuck a low life like her.

Shimu just looked at Hidan, he couldn’t sound more serious about what he was saying. Low…life…? Shimu thought.

Hayato: I’m glad… *Hayato said as he slowly stood up* She’s not even good in bed, so don’t waste your time.

Shimu opened her eyes then looked down blushing of embarrassment.

Hidan: You piece of shit. It’s over.

Hidan ran again towards Hayato with his sword ready to cut him in 2, but Hayato manage to some how to dodge his attack then. This just made Hidan more pist off.

Hidan: Stop playing games you dick!

Shimu notice Hayato was going to passed by her heading to the doorway to scape, Shimu thought fast, she moved as she could, cause the wound couldn’t get her to far, but she manage to push Hayato’s leg as he ran passed her, making him loose his balance and fall straight to the ground.

Hayato: You bit-…

Kakuzu: What is this? I leave you two alone for a few minutes and you make this mess. *Said Kakuzu while grabbing Hatayo’s neck* Who the hell is this?

Hidan: Her stupid boyfriend.

Hayato: Ex… boyfriend, you dick. *Hayato said suffocating*

Hidan: Let me finish this motherfucker.

Kakuzu chuckle and he let go of Hayato’s neck. Kakuzu then walked and stood in the doorway to he wouldn’t try to scape.

Kakuzu: All yours.

Hayato: I don’t think so. See you later Shimu.

Hayato then made a hand sing making him disappear.

Hidan: What the!!!! You coward!!!!

Kakuzu: Shut up Hidan let’s go.

Shimu: Hidan…

Hidan: Wha-…

Hidan stopped when he turned around facing Shimu, to see her really pale, sweating, breathing deeply and loosing a lot of blood. Kakuzu also did stare at her, both had a plain looks on their faces. This made Shimu worried Are they going to leave me here? She thought.

Kakuzu: She is not going to make it Hidan, let’s go.

Hidan: You say this like if I care when I don’t.

Kakuzu: Then let’s go.

Hidan: Right.

Kakuzu left the room and Hidan walked away slowly, but then something grabbed the end of Hidan’s coat, when he turned around it was Shimu laying on the floor.

Shimu: Don’t leave me Hidan-sama…

She begged. Hidan just stared at her with a plain dead look on his face not caring at all.

Hidan: Even if you come with us, you wont make it.

He then began to walk away again, he then heard some movement behind him, when he turned around again he saw Shimu crawling on the floor.

Shimu: You… don’t need to… carry me… I’ll follow you like this if I have too… *Shimu begins to cry* Just don’t leave me here…

Hidan just stood there doing nothing but staring at her… Her blood dripping out of her waist and through her fingers trying to hold the bleeding, she was breathing deeply and at the same time crying. Hidan rubbed his hand on his face like if he was wiping something out of it, and sigh deeply. Shimu wasn’t staring at him, she already gave up the hope that she going back to the hide out. Shimu took one last looked at Hidan.

Shimu: I… I understand… Goodbye Hidan-sama… *Shimu looked down*

To be continued…

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