Sunday 31 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 20

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 20: A punch right in the face.

Someone grabbed Shimu’s head and Hidan’s head as well pulling them close to each other and they slammed each other forehead.

Shimu: Ouh!!

Hidan: What the fuck? What was that for?

Pein: Quit the damn drama. Hidan take Shimu to her room and Itachi you come with me I have some work for you. And Hidan I don’t know what’s your problem with Deidara but as soon as you take Shimu to her room you and Deidara will clean up the mess you made in the living room.

Hidan: Yeah, yeah… Let’s go Shiyu.

Hidan then carry Shimu bridal style to her room, as they walked there none of them talked to each other, there was nothing to say after all, Hidan opened the door and walked in, he then laid her down on her bed, Shimu didn’t looked at him, when she was in the bed she just turn her back at Hidan and began to cry silently. Hidan sat on the bed also giving her back.

Hidan: Are you going to say something?

Shimu didn’t respond.

Hidan: Fuck it then.

He stood up and walked away slowly, giving her time to say something if she was going to. He stopped at the doorway of the room waiting for her to say something, he then sigh closing the door behind him and left. Hidan went to his room and took a nap.

It was now around 8:00 pm, Hidan woke up and remembered he had to cleaned up the mess he made with Deidara, so he got up and went down stairs.

Deidara: About time you got here. Un.

Hidan: Shut up, I’m not in the mood.

Deidara: Hm. You know, I was thinking about asking Shimu out. What do you think? Un. I mean no one here has a crush for her or anything, she’s single, so I thought I give it a shot. Un.

Hidan: Like if she’s going to go out with a wannabe artist like you.

Deidara: Ha! Trust me, she has seen my art and she enjoys it. Un. Wait till she sees my bigger piece of art, she’s going to go crazy. Un.

Hidan lost it there.

Hidan: What. Did. You say?

Deidara: Wait till she sees my bigger piece of art, Hidan, Un.

Hidan: You pig. I dare you to say that again.

Itachi: Are guys seriously fighting for that girl?

Kisame: I would fight for her too. She is a total babe. And trust me she will never go for any of you guys. Deidara you’re a kid, Hidan you’re immature and you don’t know how to control your language and your temper, Itachi you’e too cold. In my case, she needs a man, and that’s why I am here.

Itachi: I never say I was interested.

Kisame: Whatever.

Hidan: Believe me, as long as she is under my wing, you guys aren’t getting close to her.

Kisame put an evil grin on his face and so did Deidara.

Kisame: Well I guess we are going to have to make that change, right Deidara?

Deidara: Yeah, un.

Hidan: You better not try anything. I’ll fucking kill-

Kisame: Where did Itachi go?

*Up at Shimu’s room*

Shimu heard a knocked on her door, she didn’t respond she wasn’t in the mood to talked to anyone. The door slowly opened and it was no other than Itachi.

Itachi: Can I come in?

Shimu: You’re already in, aren’t you?

Itachi: Right. Listen… Shimu right?

Shimu: Mhm…

Itachi: Well… okay I am going to say this like it or not, and I don’t care if it hurts. Try to kill yourself again and don’t stop till you achieve it, if you really feel that worthless kill yourself already.

Shimu stood up from the bed and looked at. He then threw a kunai to get bed.

Itachi: Do i-

Itachi was interrupted by a kunai flying close to his face, he didn’t even had the time to dodge it, he looked at where the kunai flew and then he looked at Shimu that was on the edge of the balcony.

Shimu: Fuck off.

Shimu jumped out he balcony and ran to the woods. At that moment Hidan, Kisame and Deidara entered the room tackling Itachi to the ground.

Itachi: Get off!!!!!

Kisame: I hope you didn’t lay a finger on my lady!

Deidara: Your lady? Please, she the finest piece of art in this place. Un.

Hidan: Both of you shut up, she’s my maid!

Itachi: Well as you see… She is not here!

Hidan: What?

Shimu ran and ran as fast as she could but she then began to slow down with the pain of her ankle. Shimu stopped and fell on her knees.

Shimu: Fuck!!!!!!!! AAAAHHH!!!!!!!! DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!?????? AAAAHHHH!!!!!! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!!!!!!!!???

Itachi: Bad things will always happen to good people.

Shimu: Leave me alone!

Itachi: No.

Shimu: Oh you asked for it!!!!

Shimu got up and ran towards Itachi at full speed ready to punch him in the face but Itachi dodge it and he was now behind her.

Itachi: You are fast. Is that one of your special abilities? Speed?

Shimu: I don’t have anything special.

Shimu turned around and punch him right in the face, this made Itachi fell backwards.

Shimu: Do yourself a favor and leave me alone.

Shimu began to walk away as that moment Itachi grabbed on her ankle making her fall.

Shimu: You idiot!

Shimu was about to kick him in the face but he grabbed on her leg and got on top of her, he was now holding her hand to the ground so there was no way she could get out.

Shimu: Let go of me you pervert!

Shimu then hit his head with her head, making him get off of her and fall.

Itachi: Okay, ouh… ouh… You went to far, that one actually hurt.

Shimu: …. Pffff... Ahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha. You’re such a baby! Ahahahahahaha

Itachi: That actually hurt!

Shimu: Hahahaha…. *Sigh*… Leave me alone Itachi, please…

Itachi: You’re pretty strong.

Shimu: Hm…

Itachi: I see that you have a lot of pain inside you… but not hate. You’re not the type of person to hate anyone, even if you tried.

Shimu: You don’t know anything about me.

Itachi: True, but I know a lot about hate, and pain.

Shimu: Right… What did you do betrayed you village? Join the akatsuki? That’s it?

Itachi: I killed my whole clan.

Shimu looked at him in shocked. What? His whole clan? Wait that means also his family! Shimu thought.

Shimu: Why?...

Itachi: That’s not important now. I want to try something with you…

Shimu: What…

To be continued…

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