Sunday 31 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 13

Akatsuki took me in.

Chapter 13: Back to normal.

The door opened, it was no other than Tobi. Shimu and Hidan looked at him but didn’t separate from each other.

Tobi: Hidan-sama I want to tell you tha-… AAAAHHH!!! THIS IS BAD FOR TOBI’S EYES! *Slams the door and runs away screaming*

Hidan: *sigh* Stupid Kid.

Shimu: Umm Hidan-sama.

Hidan: What? Oh shit.

Hidan stood up and helped her stood up as well.

Shimu: Thank you… um you should get dressed, I’ll wait outside.

Shimu head outside closing the door behind her. Everything happened so fast, I didn’t have time to react. *sigh* Forget it… it was just an accident, accidents happens every day, now I just have to tell Tobi so he can calm down. Shimu thought. At that moment Kakuzu was walking through the hall and Shimu saw him, Shimu been nice smiled at him, he just kept walking till he passed by her, he then stop.

Kakuzu: Shimu, right?

Shimu: Yeah, what is it?

Kakuzu: Don’t get Hidan distracted.

Shimu: I don’t understand.

*Inside Hidan’s room*

Couldn’t I be anymore clumsier? *sigh* Hidan thought.

*Outside Hidan’s room*

Kakuzu: In other words, do you work as a maid and when your done leave Hidan alone.

Shimu: But I don’t understand… did I did something wrong or wha-

Hidan: Okay Shiyu or whatever your name is you can come i-…

Hidan looked at Kakuzu with a face saying What the hell are you doing here? Kakuzu and Hidan were staring at each other while Shimu stood there in middle wondering what was going on.

Hidan: Come inside Shiyu.

Shimu: Um sure Hidan, just let me ask Kakuzu somet-

Hidan: I said come inside!

Shimu opened her eyes and walked inside, Hidan looked at her in an angry way while she walked pass him to enter the room, Hidan then looked at Kakuzu, Kakuzu ignore him and just walked away. Hidan entered the room. Hidan was only wearing some short pants and no shirt.

Hidan: You are very disobedient for a maid you know that? Remember I am your boss, what I say you will do, understand.

Even when he is sick he can be…pushy. Shimu thought.

Shimu: I’m sorry Hidan-sama, it won’t happen again.

Hidan: I’m sure it won’t.

Shimu: Can you please lay down, I got you something to eat that will make you feel better in no time.

Shimu went to take the food out of Hidan’s bed, as she walked she again tripped on the puddle and was about to fell down Hidan put his arm around her waits grabbing her, Shimu scream in pain cause of her wound, Hidan slowly sat her down on the floor and leaned in front of her.

Hidan: Are you all right?

Shimu was breathing deeply looking down with tears on her eyes with one hand on her wound grabbing it tightly.

Shimu: It really hurts but I’ll be okay.

At that moment Shimu looked up to look at Hidan, when she did she notice how close there were again. Hidan was staring at her hand grabbing her wound he then grabbed her hand and pull it away from the wound.

Hidan: If you grab your wound like that it will hurt more… So if you are going to grab it, grab it gently…

Hidan then place her hand on her wound but more gently.

Hidan: See, it doesn’t hurt now.

Shimu looked at Hidan. Why am I been so… soft with her? Man this fever has really got into me Hidan thought. Shimu was blushing a little, when Hidan notice her blush he backed off fast.

Hidan: So where’s my food.

Shimu: Oh right…

Shimu stood up alone and grabbed the food out of Hidan’s bed.

Shimu: I hope you like it, my mother use to make this when I was sick and I was felt better in no time.

Hidan: Taste horrible.

Shimu looked down.

Shimu: I’m… I’m sorry no matter how many times I try to make it is never as good as hers. But I promise it will make you feel better.

Hidan: What were you and Kakuzu were talking about?

Shimu: Oh nothing… something about my work as a maid. It doesn’t really matter.

Hidan: Did he say something about me?

I’m pretty sure if I tell him he will get angry at me and at Kakuzu, I don’t want to cause any trouble… Shimu thought.

Shimu: Not at all. Now eat.

After Hidan ate the soup he felt better by the end of the day, he then was back to his usual self, screaming, and cursing at everyone. He then started to treat Shimu like everyone else, maybe he was right when he thought that he was acting soft cause of his fever. Shimu didn’t mind, as long as she wasn’t with Hayato she was fine, but she felt lonely, all though sometimes Tobi spent time with her, she sometimes wished she could go out like everyone else did, she was just stuck there, unless Hidan told her to go out, Shimu never had a day off actually. She wanted to make more friends but she was afraid they would hurt her, at least she knew that Tobi wouldn’t do that and Deidara wouldn’t hurt her, either but again he is an Akatsuki so she will never know.

A month later went by and Shimu was bored out of her mind, she spent almost all her time in her room. It has been a month that Hidan doesn’t treat her like if he care, not like he ever did she thought.

One day Shimu was looking at the wound that Hayato made her in the mirror with her shirt lift up to her belly. Horrible… Look at what he did to me. That asshole… *sigh*… Shimu thought. At that moment Hidan opened the door, he never knocked.

Hidan: Oi! I need you to go the village and brin-…

Hidan stopped when he saw her looking at her wound with her shirt lift up, Shimu pull her shirt down quickly and turned around. Since Hidan was treating her like he treated everyone else she was always quite and only talked when it was necessary.

Shimu: What do you want me to get you?

Hidan was noticing her odd behavior but he didn’t put much attention to it.

Hidan: Here’s the list, get to it Shiyu.

Shimu: Yes.

Shimu then got ready and took off to work. She never went out to get Hidan’s stuff with weapons but this time she had a feeling that she should of bring some with her, but since she didn’t had any she just ignore the feeling and took off.

Shimu was at the closet village from the hideout, she then began to walk the streets, the strees were full of people, everyone there was so nice, people asking how they were doing even if they didn’t know each other, Shimu then started to buy the things Hidan asked for. Few moments later she walked by a Sushi restaurant, which was out in the open, she then saw Hidan and Kakuzu sitting down eating. Looks like that argument of whatever they had been settle. Shimu thought, she wasn’t going to stop to say hi, they might give her a weird mean look, and so she kept on walking.

Kakuzu: I just saw Shimu.

Hidan: Oh, she must be getting the stuff I asked her to get me.

Kakuzu: I am glad you’re back to normal.

Hidan: Fuck yeah, me too, I think what go into me was her stupid boyfriend insulting me and the fever.

Kakuzu: Yeah… I’m glad you don’t like her.

Hidan: Yeah… *looks down for a moment, makes an evil grin and looks at Kakuzu* Why would I, right?...

To be continued…

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