Sunday 31 March 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 15

Akatuski took me in.
Chaper 15: Jealous much? / Someone is back. 
When they got to the hideout Tobi took Shimu to her room and laid her on her bed then left, few moments later Deidara brought her some ice for her head.
Deidara: Here, put this where it hurts, un.
Shimu: Thanks. And thanks for saving me out there, it means a lot.
Deidara: No problem. Well… Good night, un.
Shimu smiled at Deidara.
Shimu: Good night.
When Deidara left she went to sleep right away. Deidara went downstairs, as he was going down she was thinking about when he was giving her CPR the thought of it just made him blushed, when he finally got downstairs he saw Kakuzu and Hidan sitting on the couch of the living room. Hidan looked at him and chuckled like if he was making fun of Deidara, Deidara just ignored him and kept on walking. Deidara walked in front on them and as he was about to pass Hidan, Hidan stood up in front of Deidara.
Deidara: *sigh* What? un.
Hidan: You should get a hair cut.
Deidara: Fuck off.
Hidan: Hey, I’m just doing you a favor! Sheeze man, why so aggressive?
Deidara: *Deidara looks down and puts an evil grin on his face* Well Shimu doesn’t mind my hair… I think she likes it, un.
Hidan: *WTF face*

Fuck off man. 
Deidara: I was just saying.
Kakuzu couldn’t hold on anymore and a little laugh slip out of his mouth.
Hidan: Oi! Kakuzu, what side are you in!?
Kakuzu: None.
Hidan: Since when you and Shiyu are so close that you know what she likes and what she doesn’t?
Deidara: Not so lo-… Why do you even care? Un.
Hidan: Answer the damn question!
Deidara: Not long ago, man…. You know… For her being your maid, you sure are very protective over her, un.
Kakuzu: Tell me about it.
Hidan: Oi! Shut up Kakuzu! Let me tell you something, that’s mine and Shiyu’s problem, not yours.
Deidara: Stop treating her like she’s your property.
Hidan: HA! That’s because she IS my property you dumbass.
Deidara: She can do whatever she wants with WHO EVER she wants, un.
Hidan: Not without my concern.
Deidara: We will see about that.
Hidan: Ha!
At that moment Hidan took a step back and grabbed his sword.
Deidara: Bring it.
Pein: Enough. I can’t believe you guys will fight for a girl.
Hidan: What!!!!! I am not fighting for that low life! I am fighting cause this dick head is-
Pein: Enough. Either you take this out side or I’ll finish this.
*silence* Pein started to walked away.
Deidara smiled and just walked away waving his hair at Hidan’s face.
Hidan: Ugh, Disgusting.
Kakuzu: Why did it bother you so muc- 
Hidan: It didn’t. He just doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I will like to teach that kid a lesson, so he won’t go around talking to me like if I was nobody.
Kakuzu: You are nob-
Hidan: Shut up!
If Deidara thinks he is going to take Shiyu as his maid or whatever he wants… He is so wrong. Hidan thought.
Few days went by and Hidan was still the same, treating Shimu like he treated everyone else and he was picking more on Deidara than usual. Shimu notice that Hidan didn’t give her any work for the last three days so she might as well asked if he needed something, it was the least thing she could do. Shimu got out of her cavern like she use to call her room, the only thing she did was do favors for Hidan and go back to her room, but at least she didn’t had to leave her room to have fun, Tobi always visit her, she always had great laugh with him. Tobi and Shimu started to become really close friends and sometimes Tobi called her sis.
So Shimu decided to go to Hidan’s room, when Shimu was about to knocked on the door she heard Hidan talking to Kakuzu.
Hidan: *looking at the mirror with his sword* Man, girls can’t resist me they are always on top of me, I mean look at this!
Kakuzu: Yeah, well that doesn’t work’s out very well with Shimu, does it now?
Hidan: What’s your problem, man? I don’t fucking like her! Stop joking around, for the last time she is my maid!
Kakuzu: Well all right. What do you think about what Deirdara said?
Hidan: What about it? *Pushing his hair backwards*
Kakuzu: Well when he said that Shimu has the right to do whatever she wants with who ever she wants.
Hidan: Deidara is a dick, if he thinks he is going to tak-
Kakuzu: Someone is at the door…
Shimu opened her eyes wide and did as she was going to knock again, it worked pretty well, when Hidan opened the door it looked like Shimu was about to knock on the door.
Hidan: What do you want?
Shimu: I… I was wondering if you need me to do anything for you, Hidan-sama. It has been three days that you haven’t asked me to do anything, so I’m just wond-
Hidan: Shut up. *sigh* Let me think what you can do for me.
Kakuzu: Bring us something to eat.
Hidan: Oi!
Kakuzu: I’m hungry.
Hidan: … Yeah me too… bring us something to eat Shiyu.
Shimu: Anything special you will like?
Hidan: *Hidan got close to her face and stroke her cheek* Surprise me hunny. *evil smile*
Kakuzu: You’re a dick.
Hidan: Ha! What I do?
*Closes door.*
Shimu: *Blushes* Ugh… Teaser…
Shimu went down the stairs. What can I make them? Burgers? No… Soup? They will probably throw it at me. Um… Shimu thought. She then heard a voice behind her.
Well what is this?
To be continued…

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