Monday 29 April 2013

Akatsuki Took Me In - A Hidan Love Fanfic: Chapter 40

Akatsuki took me in

Chapter 40: Spending time with the two knuckleheads.

Kakuzu, Hidan and Shimu head back to the hide out, as they got there Hidan was holding her waist close to him and stroking the cheek where he accidently hit her. For the first time Kakuzu could say that they were acting all “lovey dovey” at least in front of him and it was making him sick.

Kakuzu: *Sigh* Stop been all lovey dovey you two!  You’re making me sick! You know what? Fuck this shit, I’m going on ahead!

Kakuzu left.

Hidan: Fuck yeah it worked.

Shimu: What worke-…

Some soft warm lips against her, interrupted Shimu, it was no other than Hidan's lips, she then kissed him back. Hidan pushed her against a tree and kissed her deeper, he then backed off to see Shimu still with her eyes close and with her lips puckered up asking for more, Hidan just laugh and give her another small kiss.

Hidan: I thought he would never leave.

Shimu: So you don’t care about my scar?

Hidan: Duh! Of course I do!

He then leaned down to kiss where her scar was. Shimu smiled, just the fact that he was actually all “lovey dovey” with her made her happy.

Hidan: Alright, lets go, I have to see what this Pein in the ass wants.

Shimu: Okay, I also need to apologize to Itachi-sama and Tobi-kun…

Hidan: Lets go then.

Hidan grabbed on to her hand and started walking, Shimu was right behind him as he literally drag her by her hand, Shimu trying to keep up with him but she was still left behind. She then looked up at him, she saw his back and his silver hair moving as he walked, she couldn’t be happier that she was with the man of her dreams, she got happier at the thought of him been like this with her, actually showing affection. When they got to the hide out Hidan left to see what Pein wanted and Shimu went to look for Itachi and Tobi to apologize, they weren’t mad at her or anything they understood.
Shimu, Tobi and Itachi sat in the living room and started talking, well Shimu was talking more with Tobi, Itachi was just there listening. Later on Hidan, Kakuzu, Kisame and Sasori got to where they were.

Hidan: What a pain…

Shimu: What’s wrong?

Kisame: We all got a mission, except for Tobi and Deidara.

Itachi: I got a mission? Alright Kisame lets go.

Kisame: Hold up Uchiha. Its not you and me, its all of us.

Itachi: *Sigh*

Hidan: Deidara better not try anything. I know he’s going to be hanging out with you Shiyu, so be careful.

Shimu: I will.

Hidan: Well we are off.

Shimu: What!? You’re leaving now?

Sasori: Yes. Pein and Konan are already waiting for us.

Shimu: Be careful Hidan-sama.

Hidan: Pfff, please.

Shimu walked over him, she then place her hands on his chest, got on her tip toes and give him a small kiss, she then separate from him, she was blushing and Hidan didn’t blush he was good at hiding it.

Kisame: Awww! Love birds!

Shimu giggled and Hidan rubbed the back of his head laughing.

Sasori: Lets go.

Hidan: See you in a couple of days Shimu.

Shimu: Bye… And bye everyone else.

When they left Shimu stayed with Tobi. He was talking about his missions and how awesome he says he is.


The next day Shimu was in the living room having some breakfast with Tobi, few minutes went by and Deidara got downstairs.

Deidara: Morning, un.

Tobi: Good morning sempai!!!!!!!!

Deidara: Do you have to scream!? Morning Shimu-chan, un…

Shimu: Morning Deidara-kun.

Deidara: *Blushes* Hey want to see my art?

Shimu: Sure!

After they were done with their breakfast they head out side by the river. Deidara put his hand on a little side purse he had on the side of his pants, when he took it out the mouth of his hand started chewing a white mace. It then created a tiny little bird, which Deidara made it fly around Shimu.

Shimu: Haha awesome!

The bird then flew away up in the sky and far away from them, Deidara then put two fingers in front of him, when he did this Tobi ran to Shimu covering her ears.

Deidara: Katsu!

BOOM! The bird exploded.

Shimu: Haha is okay Tobi, I saw Deidara do this once.

Deidara: You guys want to fly? Un.

Shimu: Fly?

Tobi: Hell yes!

Deidara again made a little bird and with some hand sings he made it in to a huge bird.

Deidara: All aboard, un.
Tobi: Let’s go Shimu-chan!

They got on the bird and flew away, they fly over villages, woods, rivers. Deidara couldn’t stop staring at Shimu, she was looking down and pointing at things from above with Tobi. Deidara got behind and shake her shoulders hard.

Deidara: Don’t fall!

Shimu: Aah! Deidara-kun! Don’t do that!

Deidara: Hahahaha!

Tobi: You’re so mean!

Deidara: Whatever, un.

The three of them spent a whole week doing this, they never got bored there was always something new to see from above. One day they were flying it was now around 6:00pm Deidara decided to head back to the hideout, when they got there, Tobi got something to eat and went to his room, Shimu did the same as well and went to Hidan’s room and Deidara as well went to his room.  It was now 1:00 am, Shimu still was awake, she was fixing Hidan’s necklace, then someone knocked on the door, she thought it was Hidan so she got up fast and opened it.

To be continued…

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